Imaging vs Ortho? Other?


Hello All,

I am a younger rep currently selling chemical R&D/manufacturing equipment. I like my job, but I work for a small (though very well established) company, which really limits my ability to advance through company ranks and pay grades (neither of which really exist... I have a boss and their boss is the owner, pay for reps is pretty consistent across the board for the mostpart... they can't afford to keep their best people, I've observed). This doesn't really fly with me all that well as someone who has consistently beaten my target and has ambitions, so I've been considering making a change to medical device sales as a result. I have a science education and background, so I figure its the most logical transition aside from something in biotech.

I've mostly been interested in imaging and orthopedics, though after looking into them for a while on this site and others people seem to be kind of down on ortho. I don't mind a challenge selling, but if the consensus is that ortho is no longer worth it I'd certainly like to know more about what people think in this regard (same for the other fields).

Basically, if you had a choice of what division to get into, what would you choose? Are there other more worthwhile fields that you'd recommend (software, consumables, robotics, etc)? I'd want to be in the Northeast US (NJ or MA, most likely)... which companies are the big players there as far as market share for what you recommend?

Any insight from the seasoned vets would be very appreciated. Otherwise, I look forward to getting flamed for this post haha.
