IM Team 1 CONGRATS...Celerbrex Coupons..WTF


STMs... great job in all your hard work promoting the LOE Lyrica! Now with the wonder drugTmab and 1 indication you get to give the NEW Celebrex coupon to Orthos! Pfizer is screwed along with the sales force....


STMs... great job in all your hard work promoting the LOE Lyrica! Now with the wonder drugTmab and 1 indication you get to give the NEW Celebrex coupon to Orthos! Pfizer is screwed along with the sales force....

Pfizer has no boundaries re: their stupidity. This shit makes Pfizer look desperate.

Celebrex coupons??!!! my territory offices are still working their way thru the mountain of samples dropped in early 2000s, still finding ACEs and ARBs on the shelf...