
I never have worked hard here. Are you kidding me? As a CSO no one expects us to. They know we are not going to work much. That is why they hire us. They figure anything they get out of us is better than nothing.

I've never seen anything so effed up as this bonus payout "schedule." Not only is there zero communication about the bonus every quarter- there's no communication about the contract itself.

Who would work hard for a company that treats us like this? Every CSO that I know on this contract is spending 100% of their time, energy and focus on 1 thing- finding a new job. Holding out on us with information drives this mechanism.

BMS is getting pumped b/c they are paying inventiv full fees and bonuses to have us out selling. Inventiv is keeping secrets and paying us Q1 bonus 2 weeks before the BMS reps are getting paid out Q2... we're all looking for other jobs 8 hours a day instead of making sales calls that we probably won't get commission for anyway.

A+ for Invetiv management!

I really wish that you all would work hard. I'm looking to make a career in pharmaceutical sales and your actions here at Inventiv are hurting my chances of being selected to go to work for Pfizer, Merck, or Glaxco Smith Klein. Please work harder!!

Of course I am being sarcastic. Just like each of you, I dont do shit! Never have, never will. Not as a CSO. I know I have no chance of getting on with a real company as a direct so I will give back what I get in return. ZERO. Its business. You get what you pay for.

Of course I am being sarcastic. Just like each of you, I dont do shit! Never have, never will. Not as a CSO. I know I have no chance of getting on with a real company as a direct so I will give back what I get in return. ZERO. Its business. You get what you pay for.

Why start now? Holidays are coming in 4 months. I need to start resting and shopping now.

Of course I am being sarcastic. Just like each of you, I dont do shit! Never have, never will. Not as a CSO. I know I have no chance of getting on with a real company as a direct so I will give back what I get in return. ZERO. Its business. You get what you pay for.

Well said. You sound like my manager. He says the same thing. Do as little as possible to not get noticed until you are able to get a job worthwhile.