I'm new and already know soooo much!!!!


I know this board is specifically pertaining the sales aspect of mdl but I couldn't resist writing something about the lab itself. My first month of being there, a private company came in to test the quality of air, I know this bc I asked the guy what he was doing. But before they came in we were informed OSHA was doing the testing. Already I had alarms going off in my head. My second alarm went off when I saw PW place the tanks, the company brought in, into his office under a box. How accurate are the test results going to be? Holy S$it I need to get the F$*k out of here. This lab is so unprofessional! From the rumors that I've heard the Dir. of the lab and the Dir of QA are in a crazy relationship, and I believe it bc just from being there for couple of months I witnessed them offending each other with F bombs and other words just bc PW did not want to do something KS was asking of him.
I got to meet the infamous Dr. M, boy is he a happy person. Not! He gave a speech about the quality of air in the lab, and surprise it's clean! But just the way he spoke to people it was a shame to witness. Long story short if you have a problem with the smell it's all in your head and you should quit. "Because it's like a baker allergic to flour"!