Ilumya results - British Journal of Dermatology


So ... if the data are good, and the sales completely suck, as in we’ve yet to achieve 100M now in year 3, this can only be considered a commercial failure.

It’s embarrassing that Abhay goes on LinkedIn with comments on the data, yet nothing on why he’s failed the organization.

So ... if the data are good, and the sales completely suck, as in we’ve yet to achieve 100M now in year 3, this can only be considered a commercial failure.

It’s embarrassing that Abhay goes on LinkedIn with comments on the data, yet nothing on why he’s failed the organization.
Same goes with Cequa - it’s a superior product but Managed Care and Medicare coverage sucks. HCPs it may be a better product but if we write it but can’t get it to our patients it amounts to nothing..... Everyone in Managed Care should be fired and replaced with people who are competent enough to get products on formulary.

Same goes with Cequa - it’s a superior product but Managed Care and Medicare coverage sucks. HCPs it may be a better product but if we write it but can’t get it to our patients it amounts to nothing..... Everyone in Managed Care should be fired and replaced with people who are competent enough to get products on formulary.
At some point and I think we’re past it, one person has to be accountable for the mess we live in.
Abhay has been here a little longer than me. It’s not working he’s hoots go now

At some point and I think we’re past it, one person has to be accountable for the mess we live in.
Abhay has been here a little longer than me. It’s not working he’s hoots go now

it sounds like this is an issue organization wide. They wanna act like large pharma but not invest to make their products shine. What good is a product if it does not have coverage? Ask any doctor... these products rarely get wet written if you don’t have coverage. This is why sun is still a generics company and not competitive in the branded field.

it sounds like this is an issue organization wide. They wanna act like large pharma but not invest to make their products shine. What good is a product if it does not have coverage? Ask any doctor... these products rarely get wet written if you don’t have coverage. This is why sun is still a generics company and not competitive in the branded field.
Forget access, it’s way bigger than that, it’s deeply cultural. It’s all about Mumbai knows better, Americans are stupid, and we extract every rupee out of every step to the patient.
And at the same time we turn our heads to quality and compliance.

So ... if the data are good, and the sales completely suck, as in we’ve yet to achieve 100M now in year 3, this can only be considered a commercial failure.

It’s embarrassing that Abhay goes on LinkedIn with comments on the data, yet nothing on why he’s failed the organization.

He might want to hire a FRM team that is worth a shit. #UnbelievableShitShow.. No self respecting sales professional would stay in sales with Ilumya. #How2FlushYourCareer.

He might want to hire a FRM team that is worth a shit. #UnbelievableShitShow.. No self respecting sales professional would stay in sales with Ilumya. #How2FlushYourCareer.

Qualifications of a Sun FRM.
(1) Must be willing to ignore any and all needs of the customer.
(2) Without possession of people skills and try to avoid all contact with customers.
(3) Be a compulsive liar.
(4) Have no ability to problem solve.
(5) Unwilling to work on rainy days, cloudy days, snowy days, foggy days or days with too much sunlight.
(6) The final and most important attribute is to be willing to and enjoy watching patients suffer while personally becoming an impediment to their treatment.

if you posses any of these qualifications you are reading to join the demented ranks of Sun Biologics FRMs. Or you could become a meth addict and have a lobotomy. The same outcome awaits you.