Ilumya NSM Agenda


Yippee! Role playing and more role playing.
Monday’s pool party will have Absorbica, derm folks on one side and Ilumya folks on opposite side of pool. It will be like a middle school dance with people staring at each other, whispering, and not talking to each other.
Are we getting 2 drink tickets...not enough booze. Why again are we going when everything could be done via webex?

Yippee! Role playing and more role playing.
Monday’s pool party will have Absorbica, derm folks on one side and Ilumya folks on opposite side of pool. It will be like a middle school dance with people staring at each other, whispering, and not talking to each other.
Are we getting 2 drink tickets...not enough booze. Why again are we going when everything could be done via webex?

Based on Ilumya sales, the bio team should pay for their own airfare, drinks, and meals. Maybe even chip in to pay for the venue for the entire meeting.

‘Shut your fucking mouth’ Sun Senior Leadership team

Ok “Sun Senior Leadership Team”...why spend all this $$$ for us to go when smart business would be to save the money and do webex. Really 2 days of same old stuff and throw a certification in there? Save the top golf, cookout, whatever secret plan you have for us on Tuesday and let us just find a bar to get through this.

I guess it goes without saying but watch out for Piece of Shit Perverts looking to bang some overhyped purse & shoe chick. This kind of beanie was rampid at the last Years Orlando meeting.
You people disgust are all sick sons of bitches!

this is all Abhays idea. Get the year off to a bang !!
yes - entire management team wanted new in May with proper CofE. Anyway will be fun to see recently decimated Acne steroid team meet their way under performing Pso team . Lol should be a blast !!! Did no one think about timing ... oh yes they did and it was Abhay who made the call to fire the people and do the meeting right afterwards! Fireworks !