Ilumya bonus structure by the brainless


Whoever put together the bonus structure for bio should be fired. The bio team is incentivizing the 40 TM bottom feeders, penalizing the 50 TMs in the middle and glorifying the top ten that have managed care pushing their sales numbers. It really is the blind leading the blind at Sun. Ever wonder why the 50 TMs that keep Princeton’s lights on are leaving? It is no wonder that those who cannot sell nor manage have put together the hottest mess in the industry. Thank you for facilitating me to remove this Sun “shit stain” from my resume.
—-You Can’t fix stupid, but you can remove it. #SunBlocker


Whoever put together the bonus structure for bio should be fired. The bio team is incentivizing the 40 TM bottom feeders, penalizing the 50 TMs in the middle and glorifying the top ten that have managed care pushing their sales numbers. It really is the blind leading the blind at Sun. Ever wonder why the 50 TMs that keep Princeton’s lights on are leaving? It is no wonder that those who cannot sell nor manage have put together the hottest mess in the industry. Thank you for facilitating me to remove this Sun “shit stain” from my resume.
—-You Can’t fix stupid, but you can remove it. #SunBlocker

wait we have a bonus structure. Haaaaaa

Whoever put together the bonus structure for bio should be fired. The bio team is incentivizing the 40 TM bottom feeders, penalizing the 50 TMs in the middle and glorifying the top ten that have managed care pushing their sales numbers. It really is the blind leading the blind at Sun. Ever wonder why the 50 TMs that keep Princeton’s lights on are leaving? It is no wonder that those who cannot sell nor manage have put together the hottest mess in the industry. Thank you for facilitating me to remove this Sun “shit stain” from my resume.
—-You Can’t fix stupid, but you can remove it. #SunBlocker

wait we have a bonus structure. Haaaaaa
Jesus needs to leave. He's not qualified for the position. Sick of hearing him brag how he's never worked harder on an IC plan in his entire career. It's a joke. Nobody likes the segments. It penalizes the TM's who are actually trying to grow their business. He's lost any credibility from the TM's. Everyone laughs at him, not with him.

Jesus needs to leave. He's not qualified for the position. Sick of hearing him brag how he's never worked harder on an IC plan in his entire career. It's a joke. Nobody likes the segments. It penalizes the TM's who are actually trying to grow their business. He's lost any credibility from the TM's. Everyone laughs at him, not with him.
Wrong. We could all use some Jesus.

It is time to put an adult bonus structure in place. The goal setting penalizes performers and rewards bottom dwellers. You want to know why we will miss the BHAG? That is why. Fix this next quarter or do away with Biologics. And fire whoever developed that garbage plan. It is an insult to all A players. Aren’t you embarrassed by this at all? I am for you.

It is time to put an adult bonus structure in place. The goal setting penalizes performers and rewards bottom dwellers. You want to know why we will miss the BHAG? That is why. Fix this next quarter or do away with Biologics. And fire whoever developed that garbage plan. It is an insult to all A players. Aren’t you embarrassed by this at all? I am for you.

2 late. This dumpster fire is raging. Warm your soon to be unemployed ass next to it.

Another quarter bonus and still no real scorecard. Nothing to account for where those sales numbers came from. More crooked dealings from the Indian mafia. I’m done with this dump.

Did you expect one of these passive aggressive good old boys to treat you fairly? How else could they manipulate sales credit to the those who Sieg Heil. True true in a game of pimps and ho’s which are you?

Who really cares? I’m taking in Kung Fu Panda 4 tomorrow. I plan on making a full day of it. Getting paid big bucks to massively screw around. Get paid to job hunt. I know I am. I’m laughing first, last and the loudest. Mumbai Mafia? The Girl Scouts could beat these clowns.

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