

There are a lot of things that companies do that are illegal. The majority of the time the companies do not get caught as the legal system spends its time going after murderers and rapists and consider white collar crime a very low priority.

Companies know this and therefore break the law all the time. They just make sure that they buffer themselves just in case they get caught. Just because you catch someone doing something illegal does not mean anyone is going to do anything about it.

Spoken exactly like one of kathy's dirtbag minions.

Names dates and locations help the govt go after these violations. There is an off label suit pending against B&L. When it breaks. Pharma division is dead. This is just more ammo for them to prove the case. Enjoy it while it lasts. Your job will be gone soon. See how cool you think you are then with your off label and other illegal activity.

Spoken exactly like one of kathy's dirtbag minions.

Names dates and locations help the govt go after these violations. There is an off label suit pending against B&L. When it breaks. Pharma division is dead. This is just more ammo for them to prove the case. Enjoy it while it lasts. Your job will be gone soon. See how cool you think you are then with your off label and other illegal activity.

These suits are such long drawn out events that WP will have the company sold before anything happens. Basically no impact on this company or the management.

normally I would agree with last post, in the case of B&L it will be sooner rather than later. Hard evidence of reprints and detail aids. Very specific claims backed up by marketing materials out of HQ. not some home made bread case based based off of secret management direction. This was a company led directive. Add in all the extras and govt likes this one. multiple reps filed claims from across the country. That made the Govt office in charge of the whole thing take notice. B&L is most definitely on their radar and in their cross hairs.

normally I would agree with last post, in the case of B&L it will be sooner rather than later. Hard evidence of reprints and detail aids. Very specific claims backed up by marketing materials out of HQ. not some home made bread case based based off of secret management direction. This was a company led directive. Add in all the extras and govt likes this one. multiple reps filed claims from across the country. That made the Govt office in charge of the whole thing take notice. B&L is most definitely on their radar and in their cross hairs.

How very, very interesting. While we wait with bated breath about our future whether or not we will be purchased by Ista, just before the 4th of July holiday that letter was emailed out to all sales personnel. So the previous thread above was spot on. Interesting indeed. It explains alot.

How very, very interesting. While we wait with bated breath about our future whether or not we will be purchased by Ista, just before the 4th of July holiday that letter was emailed out to all sales personnel. So the previous thread above was spot on. Interesting indeed. It explains alot.

I have been on vacation. What is in the letter?