

Miller mentioned something about Ikaria and how we could follow a similar path!!! He has some very loose lips and often speaks the truth........makes sense to me. Thats why we have no CBR and bonus has not been discussed. We will all be thrown to the curb and Coop and company will make $$$.

Miller mentioned something about Ikaria and how we could follow a similar path!!! He has some very loose lips and often speaks the truth........makes sense to me. Thats why we have no CBR and bonus has not been discussed. We will all be thrown to the curb and Coop and company will make $$$.

I am assuming this is a joke post. Ikaria had assets that have real value. A valuable hospital platform that would be difficult to emulate since it is both a drug, device and needs to be tested with a very large number of other hospital devices for compatibility. In addition they have a drug pipeline. Most importantly they have shown solid sales results and able to grow yr over yr. Where do you see the comparison???

Malinkroft purchased Ikaria. It would not be a total surprise if Malinkroft purchased the rights to Surfaxin and gave it to Ikaria to sell since they have a NICU presence already. Ikaria has a hybrid product, but their device doesn't need to be tested, it works in conjunction with the MVs. Ikaria has a great thing going (no competition) but their pipeline is weak. They have had the same tired drug (Terlipressin) in trials for years. The patent is likely expired already. Their lack of pipeline is one of the primary reasons they have not gone public. The proposed stock price has never been acceptable and they have withdrawn their request for IPO in the past. If Malinkroft does assume commercialization of Surfaxin, I'm afraid it won't fair well for the commercial team at DSCO.

The lease of the FDA certified Surfaxin production facility at Totowa expires in 10 weeks so there won't be any Surfaxin produced for some time. So any purchaser of the rights will have to find and re-certify a new production line and that might be a long time remembering how painful that was to get the certification in the first place, so till then there will be nothing to sell.