If you win the auction for Zyclara


Don't trust any of the Graceway thugs........they will drag you into the miry clay.They do not have a clue.They bought 3M pharmaceuticals for over 900 million in 2006 and are trying to get 250 million after filing for bankruptsy.

Don't trust any of the Graceway thugs........they will drag you into the miry clay.They do not have a clue.They bought 3M pharmaceuticals for over 900 million in 2006 and are trying to get 250 million after filing for bankruptsy.

CLASSIC! You got the facts wrong and you cannot spell. Way to be a consultant!

HA HA HA HA HA!!! I haven't laughed so hard in years! You got everything that was coming to you, arrogant idiots that you are at Galderma. I love how FF did his chest-pounding routine at the September Town Hall meeting, followed by QC doing the same - and then Dumb and Dumber (aka BU and BJ) do their whole routine about Zyclara, and yes BJ starting giggling like the 5yr old girl he is when asked about the different indications... to be so arrogant about being the "Stalking Horse" and so STUPID to broadcast this to EVERYONE and re-allocate who will sell which products, and re-org the whole marketing dept. HA HA HA HA HA serves you right!!!! Can you say KARMA??? Soooooooo happy Medicis won the auction, and good luck thinking anyone believe you "backed out" - unless that means "oh shit, I can't afford to win this thing so now what do I do?"
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HA HA HA HA HA!!! I haven't laughed so hard in years! You got everything that was coming to you, arrogant idiots that you are at Galderma. I love how FF did his chest-pounding routine at the September Town Hall meeting, followed by QC doing the same - and then Dumb and Dumber (aka BU and BJ) do their whole routine about Zyclara, and yes BJ starting giggling like the 5yr old girl he is when asked about the different indications... to be so arrogant about being the "Stalking Horse" and so STUPID to broadcast this to EVERYONE and re-allocate who will sell which products, and re-org the whole marketing dept. HA HA HA HA HA serves you right!!!! Can you say KARMA??? Soooooooo happy Medicis won the auction, and good luck thinking anyone believe you "backed out" - unless that means "oh shit, I can't afford to win this thing so now what do I do?"
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is one of the best posts I have seen. So true, sorry you French bastard. When will they realize, this arrogant fool has destroyed the foundation of the company with nothing to show for it.