If you were told that you were 'safe' were you retained?


If you were told earlier this year by your RD that you would be retained, were you?
I'm trying to see what kind of pattern developed. I was told I was safe and I was retained.


If you were told earlier this year by your RD that you would be retained, were you?
I'm trying to see what kind of pattern developed. I was told I was safe and I was retained.

Go Fuck Yourself!!! Yes, all the "chosen" ones were retained. Do you really need to continue to rub it in to the rest of us that weren't "chosen"? Good luck with your future at BI!

Take the money and run from this place- many of those "chosen ones" will be on PIPs and eventually laid off by Feb '17 as Transformation GTH Wave 2 is implemented and they will not be as fortunate as those displaced today.

In our group 4 of 4 called retained. 2 of 3 not called retained. BI needs warm bodies. The premise that "You were selected from a deep and talented pool of candidates based upon your past performance and demonstration of competencies that are essential in our new organization", per the scripted welcome letter from me DM is bullshit. Remember, we were not "selected", we were "placed". The only ones selected were the predetermined TBMs, HSBSs, and HSBMs who went through the motions of an "interview" as those nonselected for those positions suffered the indignity of sham and courtesy interviews to give the appearance of fairness. I was placed, yet I say, FUCK YOU BI!

Take the money and run from this place- many of those "chosen ones" will be on PIPs and eventually laid off by Feb '17 as Transformation GTH Wave 2 is implemented and they will not be as fortunate as those displaced today.

This is exactly my thought. Getting laid off and paid might be the best for many people. Nothing has changed with layoffs, still have the same products. Dr.s still think exactly the same way about our products. Now will the company just decide to people on PIPs if you don't do well and then start firing people. No severance, just a mindset of perform or you're out.

This is exactly my thought. Getting laid off and paid might be the best for many people. Nothing has changed with layoffs, still have the same products. Dr.s still think exactly the same way about our products. Now will the company just decide to people on PIPs if you don't do well and then start firing people. No severance, just a mindset of perform or you're out.
Since reps are now directly accountable for their territories good or bad. I believe the S will hit the fan in the near future with finger pointing amongst teammates at an unprecedented level. Then the perform or die mind set will set in.

Since reps are now directly accountable for their territories good or bad. I believe the S will hit the fan in the near future with finger pointing amongst teammates at an unprecedented level. Then the perform or die mind set will set in.

Yup. How have the goals been so far? Realistic and doable? LOL! How has the Dr.s mindset's been towards the product? HAHAHA. But......NOW that we have our own territories.....THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING. LMFAO!