If you were Laid Off, Double check your IC Payout...


For those of you who received their Severance/IC Payouts on Tuesday, I recommend you get a hold of the Monthly IC Tracker for September and Compare it to your Actual Payout. Just compared mine and it seems NNI shorted me by 5%... HR will send you a breakdown of your Payout if you ask. Hopefully, I'm the only one, I would hate to think that NNI would stoop that low!


For those of you who received their Severance/IC Payouts on Tuesday, I recommend you get a hold of the Monthly IC Tracker for September and Compare it to your Actual Payout. Just compared mine and it seems NNI shorted me by 5%... HR will send you a breakdown of your Payout if you ask. Hopefully, I'm the only one, I would hate to think that NNI would stoop that low!

Consider the 5% shortage and ticket out a blessing. You will be much better off.