If you could quit, how would you do it?

I would give my two weeks like a man/woman and resign. Unlike you other prima donnas that think you're getting screwed and have to write some stupid ass dialogue to "everyone everywhere." If you spent as much time on your job as your "resignation production," you probably wouldn't have to, i mean cough, cough be asked to leave.

Please give details on how you would quit your job with Forest. Thanks!

Take my manager on a ride along, take a wrong turn, drive off the a cliff and jump out first. Then laugh at my manager as the car burst into flames. Unfortunately, I won't be able to up load my computer and show I had 8 signatures that day.

I would give my two weeks like a man/woman and resign. Unlike you other prima donnas that think you're getting screwed and have to write some stupid ass dialogue to "everyone everywhere." If you spent as much time on your job as your "resignation production," you probably wouldn't have to, i mean cough, cough be asked to leave.

I am sure you went coast to coast with the providers when you were in the field.

take the sick days - you dont get paid out on those

then hang low as long as you can...

wait until 2 weeks before the end of the quarter to give your two weeks notice, in writing, and dated at the top, then you are ensured to be paid the FULL quarterly bonus AND you will have health insurance for the next month if your last "day" of employement (remember, 2 weeks after the notice of resignation)

then you get paid out on... accumulated vacation, 2-weeks of pay to do nothing because there is no way they will let you work during that time, a bonus, AND you will get healthcare for the next month

F U frx

Take my manager on a ride along, take a wrong turn, drive off the a cliff and jump out first. Then laugh at my manager as the car burst into flames. Unfortunately, I won't be able to up load my computer and show I had 8 signatures that day.

too funny! Dont forget to wait until you have both your DM and your RD in the car.

And Forest can not wait until all you ftards do quit. Have some balls and leave you pieces of crap if you can not handle it. Oh wait, it's easier to come on here and whine like little cry babies.

And Forest can not wait until all you ftards do quit. Have some balls and leave you pieces of crap if you can not handle it. Oh wait, it's easier to come on here and whine like little cry babies.

You are probably one of those that have no life, got a divorce and your life's purpose is to think how you can make other people's lives miserable.

I'd go all Kenny Powers on them... "Hey Forest, you're fucking out!". Then I'd turn to my recruiter and say, "Get me Paid bitch!" but I'd be sure to run up my AMEX at a strip club first.

As a former employee of forest this was pretty funny. Truth is, it doesnt matter what you do because no matter how important you think you are, they will just replace you with someone who accepts getting paid a $55k base and you will be an afterthought. But dont hold a grudge, where you end up is night and day. Insted of posting on here why dont you leave? They say the grass isnt always greener, believe me, its fucking greener then Howard Solomans bank acct. Your manager will always tell you how many resumes they have and how many people are out of work looking for jobs, but ask youself this question, if the demand for a job at Forest is so great, and so many people are out of work, why is it all they hire are people with no experiance making $50k/year? If tahts your compitition then your in good shape. Just leave and stop bitching about it already.

As a former employee of forest this was pretty funny. Truth is, it doesnt matter what you do because no matter how important you think you are, they will just replace you with someone who accepts getting paid a $55k base and you will be an afterthought. But dont hold a grudge, where you end up is night and day. Insted of posting on here why dont you leave? They say the grass isnt always greener, believe me, its fucking greener then Howard Solomans bank acct. Your manager will always tell you how many resumes they have and how many people are out of work looking for jobs, but ask youself this question, if the demand for a job at Forest is so great, and so many people are out of work, why is it all they hire are people with no experiance making $50k/year? If tahts your compitition then your in good shape. Just leave and stop bitching about it already.

Agreed. When I got to FRX I was very excited. I spent 4 years in the field and enjoyed my time there, even made a little money in B&C. It was however mind blowing to find out what the job was like from the rear view mirror. All the complaining about "micro mngt." is just silly. Try actually selling a product in the real world. Not only will you make real money, but you'll find out about management involvement in a grown up job. Forest was fun, but it wasn't work.

1st 3 years mostly fun;
2nd 3 years ok but Forest started changing for the worst;
3rd 3 years fucking sucide even with a PC win;
left for device....at peace and making $.

Agreed. When I got to FRX I was very excited. I spent 4 years in the field and enjoyed my time there, even made a little money in B&C. It was however mind blowing to find out what the job was like from the rear view mirror. All the complaining about "micro mngt." is just silly. Try actually selling a product in the real world. Not only will you make real money, but you'll find out about management involvement in a grown up job. Forest was fun, but it wasn't work.

there is nothing fun about this place-the atmosphere is toxic with no trust between management and reps, everyone is looking out for themselves its a horrible culture and i think upper management likes it this way-create conflict and mistrust-what biz schools did these arrogant bloharts go to anyway