If Bausch Can not sell during the limited sales option then what?


Bausch wants 8-10 billion during the limited sales option (as reported). If bausch cannot sell then what?

5 years of WP and no sale.

Now Goldman Sachs has been hired to sell.

If no sale does WP just give up and keep B+L forever?

Seems like B+L would be worth more in a sale if all three divisions were sold separately. Who would want all of those facilities. Pharma Jersey, Tampa, California, and 1/4 of the Rochester plant. Vision Care 2/4 of Rochester and Greenville. Surgical 1/4 Rochester, St. Louis, and California. Also, a lot of small overseas plants.

This company really needs to split into three functional units in one or two facilities for each Division. It has been a failure of leadership to let Rochester for example contain all three divisions. People in Pharma and Surgical should have been moved out years ago.

And that big corporate building in downtown Rochester is still there collecting dust.

Rochester is a curious part of B+L. Perhaps because the CEO is based there that he wants all three Divisions in one place. Selling the company it makes it hard to split the divisions. If you sell one Division does the new company own 1/4 of a building with the other 3/4 owned by someone else.

When the company is sold regardless of if it is sold in parts or as a whole Rochester will have the biggest change. The leadership will no longer be based in Rochester so the new management would likely want a cleaner organisation. If you work in Pharma or Surgical you should expect that you will be moving in 6 months to a year when the company is sold.

Most are hoping that WP can not sell the company. If they sell everyone is at risk as the new owner could have many synergies that will require that duplicate jobs are eliminated.

Five years of WP. Why not five more.

I ready for the sale. Sell this turd. Hopefully a smaller territory and so I am not driving to the moon everyday. The company is a mess and won't be improving. WP can at least double their money on the sale so all it will take is someone to offer something decent and we are gone. 6 months and we are dust in the wind!