IDS NAE Merger?


whats up with this? IDS team being rolled into NAE group or vice versa (like it will make a difference) Spoke to a couple of people in each of these groups and everyone scratching their heads trying to figure out the WHY. Didn't these MGAM/MAE/IDS people get revamped less than 2 years ago? I am sure leadership would say we are moving at the speed of health care but this is a dumb shit move. Big losers will be all the hospital acute care teams which will probably no longer have contracts because the almighty IDS team (which doesn't have enough to do and is desperatly seeking a way to be relevant.... don't believe me...just ask one of them what they have been up to - and speadsheets don't count) will now have contracting. Hey, why don't we get rid of everyone except the naes and ids team? what do you think about that? or ...hey why don't we get rid of the IDS parasites? they are nothing but storytellers...