Is anyone looking forward to 2S? I would do just about anything to skip it!
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   Aug 15, 2011 at 01:12: AM #1 Anonymous Guest Is anyone looking forward to 2S? I would do just about anything to skip it!
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   Aug 15, 2011 at 02:47: PM #2 Anonymous Guest Anonymous said: Is anyone looking forward to 2S? I would do just about anything to skip it! Click to expand... I will subject myself to water boarding rather than going to another pep rally and have to listen to one B.B. fake crying knowing he broke so many rules in the field and now would preach Merck ethics to us.
Anonymous said: Is anyone looking forward to 2S? I would do just about anything to skip it! Click to expand... I will subject myself to water boarding rather than going to another pep rally and have to listen to one B.B. fake crying knowing he broke so many rules in the field and now would preach Merck ethics to us.
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   Aug 16, 2011 at 08:20: AM #3 Anonymous Guest How come the hospital reps don't have to go to a 2S meeting? I heard it was that the writing on the wall for them?
How come the hospital reps don't have to go to a 2S meeting? I heard it was that the writing on the wall for them?