ICoaching summary report


wtf? Is this what KK does with her time? What a waste of company money. "The best way to have development and success is to be in the field with you" Guess what KK? The RD's and ZD listed with the most days in the field also are among the lowest in rankings. Coincidence? The best way to have success is just the opposite. Trust the people you have hired to do the ob you have hired them to do. Numbers don't lie.

This report is great to show how some RD's unfairly work with some reps more than others. Compare the session lengths. I can see if there was a numbers discrepancy but there in this case there is none. Reps should keep this report as documentation of unfair treatment.

wtf? Is this what KK does with her time? What a waste of company money. "The best way to have development and success is to be in the field with you" Guess what KK? The RD's and ZD listed with the most days in the field also are among the lowest in rankings. Coincidence? The best way to have success is just the opposite. Trust the people you have hired to do the ob you have hired them to do. Numbers don't lie.

RD's lie on these icoach summaries . Take it with a grain of salt. My RD is listed to have worked a 2 day with me every month and it didn't happen. They come in for a lunch or a big appointment and leaves me alone. I won't say who it is because I don't want that to change. My numbers are better than ever so there is no reason to change anything. Don't read much into these reports. It's just another way for KK to prove she is improving and making changes to old shire.

RD's lie on these icoach summaries . Take it with a grain of salt. My RD is listed to have worked a 2 day with me every month and it didn't happen. They come in for a lunch or a big appointment and leaves me alone. I won't say who it is because I don't want that to change. My numbers are better than ever so there is no reason to change anything. Don't read much into these reports. It's just another way for KK to prove she is improving and making changes to old shire.
Improving and making changes? Like what??? All she is doing is tieing a metric to any type of activity she can think of and then micromanaging the shit out of it. None of what she is doing is strategic nor is it improving anything other than showing numbers on a spreadsheet. Like the original poster said, trust your people to do the job and if they don't they suffer the consequence. Since Vyvanse is actually losing compared to the market, when the hell will she be held accountable.

She is sending out a national spreadsheet that outlines exactly how many days an RD has been in the field, the name of the rep they worked with and how many calls were made during that time.
I admit - I found it interesting- to see the names, dates and number of calls made during field days for the entire NBU this year. However, more than it was an interesting - it was alarmingly odd.
Detailed record keeping does not always work in the long run---the Nazi's were meticulous record keepers too.

This is the oddest thing. I dont know who's the biggest idiot. People that hired KK or people that believe these numbers are factual. They are proboly one of the same.

If you are shocked by this list your should see the kind of reports she is pulling on the sales force. She tracks the most mundane metrics. We don't do MBO's anymore but you would think we did it you saw some of these rep reports

Congrats. You are riding in the field all the time to check the box while things that need to be followed up on and needed by the sales force is being neglected. Thanks for being in the field. Oh yeah and the docs love it!

Congrats. You are riding in the field all the time to check the box while things that need to be followed up on and needed by the sales force is being neglected. Thanks for being in the field. Oh yeah and the docs love it!

Docs love it so much that the numbers go DOWN with an increase in field days. Your "leaders" in this category are performing well behind the nation. Hilarious! The exception is Miami Region and they historically do better than the nation. Not to mention they just had a very big managed care win. Oh, is that hush hush, KK? How is it no one calls her out on this BS?

Docs love it so much that the numbers go DOWN with an increase in field days. Your "leaders" in this category are performing well behind the nation. Hilarious! The exception is Miami Region and they historically do better than the nation. Not to mention they just had a very big managed care win. Oh, is that hush hush, KK? How is it no one calls her out on this BS?

Yes the Florida ACA Medicaid expansion and the fact that Florida is now the first and only state to offer Medicaid exclusively to adults with mental health conditions is all hush hush. It's preferred for ages 0-99 with no PA or any other restrictions. This is a huge advantage for Floridia and no surprise that they are blowing out the numbers. They are loving Obama care and I can't say I blame them.

Yes the Florida ACA Medicaid expansion and the fact that Florida is now the first and only state to offer Medicaid exclusively to adults with mental health conditions is all hush hush. It's preferred for ages 0-99 with no PA or any other restrictions. This is a huge advantage for Floridia and no surprise that they are blowing out the numbers. They are loving Obama care and I can't say I blame them.

Med-cal ( california's Medicaid) recently did a ACA expansion late last year or early this year to include adults with or without mental health services. Frankly I hope other states also adopt this strategy. It's the best thing for these patients.