Icahn Happy w/ Board Seat But Wants Dinner w/ Solomon

Mr. Icahn needs to let Mr. Solomon know that the managers in the field are providing reps with selling directives that are in total violation of the very decree that has Forest in hot water. For all of you reps caught between a hard place and a rock because of the directions being sent down from on high, make wise decisions. Violating decree directives will not work for you. Remember that when push comes to shove your stalwart manager will have only his back and never yours! So while you are out busting your butt, doing as directed by your manager, he/she is making sure that if caught you take the fall. Having worked for two major companies under the very same decree that Forest is dealing with I can tell you the job can get done, honestly and with dignity. All of the cheating,cutting corners, lying and half ass effort by the sales reps must change. Blaming one's poor performance or lack of integrity on the fools in the home office is old stuff. It did not work then and it does not work now. The totally uncalled for vulgar and vile comments made on this site only reflects on the ills of our country. Just look at a tv commercial for the upcoming election. Reps do not violate what you know to be right and moral out of fear for keeping your job!

Mr. Icahn needs to let Mr. Solomon know that the managers in the field are providing reps with selling directives that are in total violation of the very decree that has Forest in hot water. For all of you reps caught between a hard place and a rock because of the directions being sent down from on high, make wise decisions. Violating decree directives will not work for you. Remember that when push comes to shove your stalwart manager will have only his back and never yours! So while you are out busting your butt, doing as directed by your manager, he/she is making sure that if caught you take the fall. Having worked for two major companies under the very same decree that Forest is dealing with I can tell you the job can get done, honestly and with dignity. All of the cheating,cutting corners, lying and half ass effort by the sales reps must change. Blaming one's poor performance or lack of integrity on the fools in the home office is old stuff. It did not work then and it does not work now. The totally uncalled for vulgar and vile comments made on this site only reflects on the ills of our country. Just look at a tv commercial for the upcoming election. Reps do not violate what you know to be right and moral out of fear for keeping your job!


Such a mature response! You are either a know nothing manager pretending to respect your reps all the while conspiring on the back side to get rid of them or you are one of the reps that I described; lying, cheating, stealing, and always having an excuse for not doing what the job is all about. Either way, you will be the reason Forest fails. Work on your vocabulary it might help in your job search.