Scott is very insecure. The higher you get, the closer to the devil (seven sins; greed, envy, etc.) you get. The answer is as simple as that. It seems the higher one goes and how they get there, they lose themselves; their values, friends, family, true self/identity, honesty, self respect, compassion for others, THE GOLDEN RULE, etc. It is very sad, because when Scott life ends, like the rest of us, who will be at his grave. Who will say, what a great guy, he really cared for people, who will say, what a great worker he as at one for those people will not be around in his final days. If he is lucky (changes his ways) his family will be there for him to say what a good father, grandfather he was, how he care about others, respected and treated all fair and equally, put other first before self and work, etc.
Sorry for the sermon, it just that people should think about these things before saying and making the wrong statements and choices.
Does Amgen bring out the worse in people or do people bring out the worse in Amgen.