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Ian strikes again


Well as predicted, King Ian has taken care of his incompetent brother OB by finally getting him out of PC where he created nothing but chaos with terrible hiring decisions and letting the US leadership decimate the talent pool with favoritism and keeping brown nosers instead of performers. Hope JY will clean house and send wacky AG and the worthless and thoughtless RPs packing. The US needs leaders not elitists and self-agrandizing trolls who just destroy people and demand sucking up instead of listening. Save us JY!

Well as predicted, King Ian has taken care of his incompetent brother OB by finally getting him out of PC where he created nothing but chaos with terrible hiring decisions and letting the US leadership decimate the talent pool with favoritism and keeping brown nosers instead of performers. Hope JY will clean house and send wacky AG and the worthless and thoughtless RPs packing. The US needs leaders not elitists and self-agrandizing trolls who just destroy people and demand sucking up instead of listening. Save us JY!

Leadership Euro Style Avant Garde. Ian needs a wing man on his flank so he doesn't get Kindlered.

Two ELT members resigned. What does that tell you?

The US Leadership team is in for a very enlightened leader as opposed to the French Socialist, liberal atheist who once trod. Maybe they will learn what a leader is truly supposed to be and how they are to treat people. We, the sales force, are with you JY! Good luck, but be ready to clean some house as there are many who do not believe that leaders above all serve. There are plenty of us doing so, and more ready to rise to the call.


The US Leadership team is in for a very enlightened leader as opposed to the French Socialist, liberal atheist who once trod. Maybe they will learn what a leader is truly supposed to be and how they are to treat people. We, the sales force, are with you JY! Good luck, but be ready to clean some house as there are many who do not believe that leaders above all serve. There are plenty of us doing so, and more ready to rise to the call.


Oh, quit your whining. The American capitalist model includes incompetent corporate leadership who line their own pockets at everyone else's expense. And they all stick together to keep the money in the One Percent. It's always been that way and always will be in the good old USA. Socialism means caring for people - that's just plain evil! It's all about the money and nothing else.

Oh, quit your whining. The American capitalist model includes incompetent corporate leadership who line their own pockets at everyone else's expense. And they all stick together to keep the money in the One Percent. It's always been that way and always will be in the good old USA. Socialism means caring for people - that's just plain evil! It's all about the money and nothing else.

Lol.....socialism is an immature response to how tough life is. Socialism just spreads the misery to everyone. Socialism sucks the life out of the people. All of them. Socialism is a first class ticket to hell on earth. Just study all of the socialists in the 20th century, and today. All murderers aand dictators.

Take your truly evil ideology and shove it. Americans may be stupid but they won't ever become slaves again to a government, which a socialist leftist government by definition enslaves everyone.

I'll take my bumps and bruises with our constitutional republic with individual freedoms to succeed or fail. Not your heaven of enslavement.

Oh, quit your whining. The American capitalist model includes incompetent corporate leadership who line their own pockets at everyone else's expense. And they all stick together to keep the money in the One Percent. It's always been that way and always will be in the good old USA. Socialism means caring for people - that's just plain evil! It's all about the money and nothing else.

Whining? Please do not take your psychotic political rant and place it on my point about leadership. The point is that OB totally lacked character and a moral compass; meaning he can't lead. It appears we may have someone who can right this ship in the US PCBU, but he has some major dumping to do starting with the US Pres and the 3 Regional Pres as they are self-indulging, no talents with an equal amount of leadership ability, which of course is zero. Then you can consolidate operations and strategy and get rid of the strategy people who clearly lack an understanding of the customer and landscape, they can only talk dashboards which is not strategy. Regional marketers? For what, they don't do anything until someone from above tells them what to do. Consolidate to NY. Then open up the communication lines directly to the field and tear down the walls Mr. Gorbachev. Strategy should be determined by leaders who get info from the field and marketing research and have a discussion with all in the room. Instead we have a quagmire of wannabes who can't lead either. Good night, and have a pleasant tomorrow.

Well as predicted, King Ian has taken care of his incompetent brother OB by finally getting him out of PC where he created nothing but chaos with terrible hiring decisions and letting the US leadership decimate the talent pool with favoritism and keeping brown nosers instead of performers. Hope JY will clean house and send wacky AG and the worthless and thoughtless RPs packing. The US needs leaders not elitists and self-agrandizing trolls who just destroy people and demand sucking up instead of listening. Save us JY!

do i sense some hostility in your tone?
has he done the right thing?

Well as predicted, King Ian has taken care of his incompetent brother OB by finally getting him out of PC where he created nothing but chaos with terrible hiring decisions and letting the US leadership decimate the talent pool with favoritism and keeping brown nosers instead of performers. Hope JY will clean house and send wacky AG and the worthless and thoughtless RPs packing. The US needs leaders not elitists and self-agrandizing trolls who just destroy people and demand sucking up instead of listening. Save us JY!

Save you? Really??!!! WHY? The only thing worse than an elitist is an entitled.

The US Leadership team is in for a very enlightened leader as opposed to the French Socialist, liberal atheist who once trod. Maybe they will learn what a leader is truly supposed to be and how they are to treat people. We, the sales force, are with you JY! Good luck, but be ready to clean some house as there are many who do not believe that leaders above all serve. There are plenty of us doing so, and more ready to rise to the call.


JY will be cleaning house....watch out, YOU live in a glass one.