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I worry Dapa will never be and Eliquis will help the resurgence of Coumadin


Oral meds - glucophage and sulphonylureas -most effective and affordable by far!!
As people get fatter and fatter (A1C 10-15, the drug of choice will be (and many times already is) insulin....cost affordable and highly effective.
Eliquis...well Coumadin has been pretty good for 50 years and costs nothing...some docs like INR testing....gives these old lonely folks something to look forward to , get out and interact with others and be involved in something...their health.
Does any of this worry you like it does me (considerably)??????


Oral meds - glucophage and sulphonylureas -most effective and affordable by far!!
As people get fatter and fatter (A1C 10-15, the drug of choice will be (and many times already is) insulin....cost affordable and highly effective.
Eliquis...well Coumadin has been pretty good for 50 years and costs nothing...some docs like INR testing....gives these old lonely folks something to look forward to , get out and interact with others and be involved in something...their health.
Does any of this worry you like it does me (considerably)??????

Is there anything you don't worry about? Hope your mother never gets tired of shielding you from all the bad in this big ol' world.

Oral meds - glucophage and sulphonylureas -most effective and affordable by far!!
As people get fatter and fatter (A1C 10-15, the drug of choice will be (and many times already is) insulin....cost affordable and highly effective.
Eliquis...well Coumadin has been pretty good for 50 years and costs nothing...some docs like INR testing....gives these old lonely folks something to look forward to , get out and interact with others and be involved in something...their health.
Does any of this worry you like it does me (considerably)??????

A resurgence of Coumadin? Are you fucking nuts?

A resurgence of Coumadin? Are you fucking nuts?

part of me is fucking nuts 2 big juicy ones...ask your wife ...gave her a pity ride

but really read my original post IF APIXIBAN gets approved (and it will) it will sell 3 or 4 billion a year by 2015 wall street predicts....but many will stay on or be on coumadin for the reasons mentioned in my last post

A side bar...I feel your fear....pharma sales will continue to shrink, layoffs will continue, benefits will continue to diminish......the industry, as any 15 year vet knows, has seen its golden years, never to return...you all have my sympathy, seriously

I left making almost 200k with salary and bonus, but I got my freedom and dignity back...a good deal!

part of me is fucking nuts 2 big juicy ones...ask your wife ...gave her a pity ride

but really read my original post IF APIXIBAN gets approved (and it will) it will sell 3 or 4 billion a year by 2015 wall street predicts....but many will stay on or be on coumadin for the reasons mentioned in my last post

A side bar...I feel your fear....pharma sales will continue to shrink, layoffs will continue, benefits will continue to diminish......the industry, as any 15 year vet knows, has seen its golden years, never to return...you all have my sympathy, seriously

I left making almost 200k with salary and bonus, but I got my freedom and dignity back...a good deal!

Wow your rich!! Good for you 200k with salary and bonus wow you must be really good to get a job like that. 200k must be an important job. 200k you are top performer. Do you see a patten here? No one gives a shit about the money that you are not really making. Oh and I make 400k and that's 200k more than your 200k. Beat jackass!!

Wow your rich!! Good for you 200k with salary and bonus wow you must be really good to get a job like that. 200k must be an important job. 200k you are top performer. Do you see a patten here? No one gives a shit about the money that you are not really making. Oh and I make 400k and that's 200k more than your 200k. Beat jackass!!

bit ch you are a cumstain

part of me is fucking nuts 2 big juicy ones...ask your wife ...gave her a pity ride

but really read my original post IF APIXIBAN gets approved (and it will) it will sell 3 or 4 billion a year by 2015 wall street predicts....but many will stay on or be on coumadin for the reasons mentioned in my last post

A side bar...I feel your fear....pharma sales will continue to shrink, layoffs will continue, benefits will continue to diminish......the industry, as any 15 year vet knows, has seen its golden years, never to return...you all have my sympathy, seriously

I left making almost 200k with salary and bonus, but I got my freedom and dignity back...a good deal!

coumadins role will decease every year