I wonder what is going to happen when.....


obu misses their goal while nbu too misses theirs by trying to help collect signatures as that is the focus, not messaging. Kevin missed his numbers last year and now will miss them again because Kathy spent her early years sharing a workspace cubby hole with perrys lower extremities. I wonder if kevin punches his pillow in his sleep pretending it's her.

obu misses their goal while nbu too misses theirs by trying to help collect signatures as that is the focus, not messaging. Kevin missed his numbers last year and now will miss them again because Kathy spent her early years sharing a workspace cubby hole with perrys lower extremities. I wonder if kevin punches his pillow in his sleep pretending it's her.

Exactly. He has to absolutely hate her egomaniacle ass and her daddy Perry and grand pappy Flem for making him (and his division) sacraficial lambs.