I wish I worked at Medivation


What a mistake working here at Astellas...a pharma pretender. Since Xtandi was approved my counterpart has made 5x more in bonus and is sitting on stock valued over $300k, while I'm waiting for my $20k in PIP to payout next June. What a fu##!!! sham this place is. On top of it all, I have to put up with unrelenting leadership bs and ego stroking. This place really sucks.

If you don't like it, LEAVE! There are plenty of people more than happy to be on this team. Leadership is dedicated and engaged, you will find out what really sucks when you end up elsewhere, or unemployed.

What an idiot!

well I wouldn't call APUS leadership dedicated other than to self promotion and certainly not engaged.

I wouldn't want to be at Medivation once Sanofi or Pfizer buy them out. You'll be out of work.

Correct, current deal on the table with Amgen, AZ, Pfizer and Sanofi is for full Medivation to include full Xtandi. These giant pharma's will not tolerate having Astellas in this partnership unless only for Japan market. It is a huge possibility that Astellas will let go of Xtandi in an exchange/cash program and may only keep the Japan Market for Xtandi. Days of Astellas Oncology are numbered!

As some one else stated, if you ain't happy, leave. No one is holding you hostage. Why did you choose to work at Astellas and not Medivation? Have you actually seen your partners bonus payout checks? Do we not pay you enough money in salary and bonus?