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I have about a half a month of ambien and maybe 10 Lunesta. If I take that will I be dead? I would go run my car in a garage but I dont have a home anymore. What is the best way? Serious replys are appreciated.

I have about a half a month of ambien and maybe 10 Lunesta. If I take that will I be dead? I would go run my car in a garage but I dont have a home anymore. What is the best way? Serious replys are appreciated.

Get some help my friend. Call your doctor and let him or her know your thoughts, there are people who care about you. Life is tough at times but there comes a time when the only direction left is up. You are down right now but you can recover if you get help, DO IT. Don't give up on yourself.

Good Luck,

A Friend

why the rush? don't let a lousy job have that much bearing on your life. det with your friends now. you are not alone. give it one more day my friend. the storm always passes. peace.

Tell your doctor that you are depressed.
Go to church and pray for strength.
Go for a run/walk of a few miles or so. Get your endorphines going.
Lift weights and develop body confidence.
Take out a slice of paper and make a plan to fix. You will need to reach out to friends and family. No one can do this alone.
Volunteer to work with animals at the shelter in your town. Walk dogs.
Take a job below your skill level until the economy bounces back.
Make plans to take a class at a local college in the near future.

Call 911, a friend, family or suicide hotline! There are always better days ahead- don't make a tragic mistake and leave others distraught about your death. Nop do-overs!

Your down, and need find purpose so reach out to your friends, family, doctor, employee privacy counseling helps also. Relax and see that this/all storms will pass.

Why are you feeling this way? Do you think that is the answer to any problems you are having? Problems are temporary, there is ALWAYS a solution. Tell someone, anyone how you are feeling but do not take the medication to accomplish your wish. What happened and how did you get to this point? Do not do anything permanent, there is a solution. Hang in there.

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