I will never again work for a German family owned company


BI is pure garbage. Plain and simple.

There are similarities across the board for all German-run companies. They are old-fashioned, hierarchical, and bureacratic like the Nazi regime. Actually, I see very little differences between the way the Third Reich was managed vs. the way BI is managed today.

Lessons learned. Never ever work for a German-managed, owned and operated company. It should be avoided at all costs. Better to change industry altogether than to stay at a company like BI.


Not sure when BI came to life...or if they were involved in any of the WWII foolishness. BUT the WORST German company hands down is Bayer!

They committed lots of evil things during the war..Google "Zyklon B" to see what I mean!

Not sure when BI came to life...or if they were involved in any of the WWII foolishness. BUT the WORST German company hands down is Bayer!

They committed lots of evil things during the war...unspeakable horrors!

BI is and has been a great company which has provided jobs and medicine to the world. Any problems in the company stem from Fontayne, Behar, and Kaplan. The corporation is a fantastic organization that has been tainted recently by poor leadership and lack of motivation.
BI is a company anyone would and should be proud to call home!

BI is and has been a great company which has provided jobs and medicine to the world. Any problems in the company stem from Fontayne, Behar, and Kaplan. The corporation is a fantastic organization that has been tainted recently by poor leadership and lack of motivation.
BI is a company anyone would and should be proud to call home!

Huh huh huh....you said 'taint.'

BI is pure garbage. Plain and simple.

There are similarities across the board for all German-run companies. They are old-fashioned, hierarchical, and bureacratic like the Nazi regime. Actually, I see very little differences between the way the Third Reich was managed vs. the way BI is managed today.

Lessons learned. Never ever work for a German-managed, owned and operated company. It should be avoided at all costs. Better to change industry altogether than to stay at a company like BI.

Wah....go cry me a river (Elbe.)

Fine, hate BI because it's a German company. Really makes no sense unless your name is Katz or Berg, and even then, it's kinda stupid to make a comment like that. While you're at it, get some sac and say you will never work for a company that has any ties to Germany.

You're a big phony. Just trying to get a rise out of people by posting your crap comments.

Wah....go cry me a river (Elbe.)

Fine, hate BI because it's a German company. Really makes no sense unless your name is Katz or Berg, and even then, it's kinda stupid to make a comment like that. While you're at it, get some sac and say you will never work for a company that has any ties to Germany.

You're a big phony. Just trying to get a rise out of people by posting your crap comments.

Shut up. Your name is Fritz and you are the kind of person i will always try to avoid.

Shut up. Your name is Fritz and you are the kind of person i will always try to avoid.

Try to keep an open mind about German pharma companies. Yes, MANY of them were involved in atrocities committed during WWII.

BUT, some were NOT (or they weren't in existence until after the war).

Bayer tried to fool people by going under the name of Miles Laboratories for YEARS, before they won the rights back from the Allies to use their name and trademark. Also, they lied about WHO invented Aspirin (it was actually a Jewish researcher).

As with ANY war, there are those for and against it, so if you know ANY history about WWII, you know that there were Germans opposed to the war.

BTW, I'm NOT a German or German American. Rather a born in the USA citizen who has been persecuted like the Jews, unfortunately.

Try to keep an open mind about German pharma companies. Yes, MANY of them were involved in atrocities committed during WWII.

BUT, some were NOT (or they weren't in existence until after the war).

Bayer tried to fool people by going under the name of Miles Laboratories for YEARS, before they won the rights back from the Allies to use their name and trademark. Also, they lied about WHO invented Aspirin (it was actually a Jewish researcher).

As with ANY war, there are those for and against it, so if you know ANY history about WWII, you know that there were Germans opposed to the war.

BTW, I'm NOT a German or German American. Rather a born in the USA citizen who has been persecuted like the Jews, unfortunately.

This has nothing to do with atrocities committed during WWII, althought they are indirectly the result. It is simply about German companies, and the fact that they are hierarchical, old-fashioned, and very "mafia-like". This was exactly the way the Third Reich was structured and the reason why it failed so miserably. You could also argue, that the reason why Germany was able to commit so many atrocities on such an unbelievable scale, was because of the "follow your leader" mentality without questioning orders. Its the same mentality you see in german companies today - the boss acts like he/she has strange powers over you and you are not allowed to "question" your boss, because he/she is totally superior to you in every way.