I was laid off yesterday in CV


So yes. I’m a pcp rep who was laid off in CV. It’s weird because while I’m happy to be laid off, I feel annoyed at the same time. Probably because there are reps with numbers much lower than mine who got to stay. I do get paid as an employee until august 4. As of august 5th, severance kicks in and I get paid until around thanksgiving. I’m in my 30’s, so hopefully getting a new pharma job shouldn’t be too difficult. I’d like a company with more stability and where upper management doesn’t suck, like Duane, vas, dez, and even the RD. My manager was very nice, but he also really drank the kool aid. He also spoke behind reps back many times. So I can only imagine what he said about me to other reps. I know every company you go to, there’s always gonna be people you don’t like. But I feel at Novartis in the CV division, it really was high school all over again. All the cliques and the talking behind everyone’s back, but then being so nice to their face. It’s disgusting. This has to be a blessing for me.
