I want to be a pharma rep


You may be inclined to ask why, oh please let me share.

As a pharma rep, here is what I do:

Drive around in a company vehicle using company paid gas as I got to the grocery, drop off and pick up the kids, go to the gym and run my errands. I carve out a little time in the day to make or fake a call. I know which offices will pass my iPad back for a signature, that may be 4 calls and a sample call.

I bring lunch to offices while making sure to order extras for my family meal. I also exclusively use vendors that provide meals or cards for every 100.00 I spend. More in my coffers.

I take Merck’s money and will bend them over every day as they have many thousands over the years. If it’s alright for them to do to us then I with clear conscious will screw them daily.

Thank you mother, 2018 will be a great year for me. All you wack jobs can save your moral judgements and stick those concepts straight up your rear end.


You may be inclined to ask why, oh please let me share.

As a pharma rep, here is what I do:

Drive around in a company vehicle using company paid gas as I got to the grocery, drop off and pick up the kids, go to the gym and run my errands. I carve out a little time in the day to make or fake a call. I know which offices will pass my iPad back for a signature, that may be 4 calls and a sample call.

I bring lunch to offices while making sure to order extras for my family meal. I also exclusively use vendors that provide meals or cards for every 100.00 I spend. More in my coffers.

I take Merck’s money and will bend them over every day as they have many thousands over the years. If it’s alright for them to do to us then I with clear conscious will screw them daily.

Thank you mother, 2018 will be a great year for me. All you wack jobs can save your moral judgements and stick those concepts straight up your rear end.


You may be inclined to ask why, oh please let me share.

As a pharma rep, here is what I do:

Drive around in a company vehicle using company paid gas as I got to the grocery, drop off and pick up the kids, go to the gym and run my errands. I carve out a little time in the day to make or fake a call. I know which offices will pass my iPad back for a signature, that may be 4 calls and a sample call.

I bring lunch to offices while making sure to order extras for my family meal. I also exclusively use vendors that provide meals or cards for every 100.00 I spend. More in my coffers.

I take Merck’s money and will bend them over every day as they have many thousands over the years. If it’s alright for them to do to us then I with clear conscious will screw them daily.

Thank you mother, 2018 will be a great year for me. All you wack jobs can save your moral judgements and stick those concepts straight up your rear end.

In all seriousness this job is a joke.

Self important “coaches” try to pretend this is an actual career
That’s funny——I guess as long as I get a check I will continue to play but the OP is absolutely correct.

Why don’t we out some of the idiot coaches we are so fortunate to have lead us on a local and regional level.

I’ll start:

Awe shucks, Andy Griffin. Why he is just a down home by golly gosh almighty good guy. Smiles and pats you the back and tells you that your his buddy. When you least expect it, you will find a knife in your back. His managers are the same.

You must be a manager, because you know all. His name is Andy Griffin, Director of west region. Now who is the DUMBASS!! You people who come on this board and think you know everything, it’s hilarious!! Love it

You must be a manager, because you know all. His name is Andy Griffin, Director of west region. Now who is the DUMBASS!! You people who come on this board and think you know everything, it’s hilarious!! Love it

You must be a CTL because you know everything. His name is Andy Griffin, Director of west region. Now who is the DUMBASS!! You people who come on this board and think you know everything, it’s hilarious!! Love it

take Merck for what it is. An ok paying easy job. Enjoy the ride while it last because Pharma jobs are a thing of the past.

I did 7 years in the industry before I voluntarily left. Built a great side business with all the free time. I focused my free time in real estate. Acquiring properties, rehabbing and flipping, and rentals.

Best decision ever!!! My real estate business is thriving and it's now on auto pilot. I still have a sales job mainly because I want too. Plus it allows be to keep growing my real estate business at a much higher pace.

So do something productive with the free time in mother Merck. This job won't last and unfortunately doesn't lead to much. Very few industries want to hire Pharma reps. If you do land another job it will likely be at less money.

You may be inclined to ask why, oh please let me share.

As a pharma rep, here is what I do:

Drive around in a company vehicle using company paid gas as I got to the grocery, drop off and pick up the kids, go to the gym and run my errands. I carve out a little time in the day to make or fake a call. I know which offices will pass my iPad back for a signature, that may be 4 calls and a sample call.

I bring lunch to offices while making sure to order extras for my family meal. I also exclusively use vendors that provide meals or cards for every 100.00 I spend. More in my coffers.

I take Merck’s money and will bend them over every day as they have many thousands over the years. If it’s alright for them to do to us then I with clear conscious will screw them daily.

Thank you mother, 2018 will be a great year for me. All you wack jobs can save your moral judgements and stick those concepts straight up your rear end.

Pharmaceutical industry is the MOST micromanaged sales job in the world.

You would last 1 day on the job with this itinerary.


OP paints a pretty accurate picture..even the most keep between the lines reps will not make it past a3 PM call and yes for that big multi practice office with 1 signature only policy ,that does equal 4 calls , repeat one more time and throw in an office lunch and that is pretty much what you call a productive day... keep you DM happy by not making waves...

Standing in hallways, waiting rooms and small closets for extended periods is required...Have something else as backup as corporate considers all reps the same regardless of rewards, 'sales' numbers or prize winner...your just a number..otherwise a very very easy gig