I wanna be psychologist corner of broad/sumney


After working for this org for 10+ and sharing in the mutual realization that I am wasting my life and drowning in a sea of garbage....I wanna be a psychologist accross the street from UG. Truth be told, the psychologists surrounding our famed HQ make a fantastic living trying to put band aids on the lives of all the tattered employees from Merck.

People run, do not walk to the nearest exit...this place takes a terrible toll on your intelligence, creativity and self-esteem. If your epitagh reads "worked for merck for 30 years...and then died"... Is there anyone among us who would not admit their life work had been an abject waste....

Somewhere on your business cards or office stationery there should be a tagline that your practice is "for the patients".

Be sure to order those large oil barrel size containers to dispense antidepressants, especially if you offer a Merck discount.

Add an extra service in helping Merckies in filling out short-term and long-term disability forms. Conduct workshops on how to do battle with the STD people at Merck and LTD people at Cigna.

Merck is like high school----with money. If you're in, intelligence does not matter. If you are out, grab an instrument and get in the band. Total clusterf*&K of a company. Wouldn't trust a die-hard Merckie as far as I could throw them.