I tried to be a mediocre hack so I could fit in well here at Merck...


But I just could not do it...

I am too passionate about my work, and since you have to spend the majority of your life
working, it was time to bail on Merck and the pharmaceutical industry. Who wants to be in such a toxic environment, in one of the most contracting industries in America...(*Check out the latest issue of money magazine for the list--Merck also makes the list of Top 10 companies laying off people at #3)

Merck no longer even makes a pretense of playing fair with people...The managers are openly corrupt, and do so with complete impunity.

As someone else on CP said, if you don't buy into the lies and the fascism, you are targeted for swift removal.

The whole thing has no other outcome but to keep being a miserable, zero growth, dead end...

For those with the smarts, courage and motivation to leave, ultimately better things will follow.


It is truly amazing what Merck has all of us doing just to make a buck. My work really is mostly meaningless activity to satisfy my CTL or some other internal hack. Very little of what I do ever directly benefits the patient. It's mostly all show for others to know.

It is truly amazing what Merck has all of us doing just to make a buck. My work really is mostly meaningless activity to satisfy my CTL or some other internal hack. Very little of what I do ever directly benefits the patient. It's mostly all show for others to know.

So true...90% of the work is just pointless busy work...Merck seems to love paying their middle management big money for doing nothing...(but wasting their rep's time.)

what a dysfunctional company. If they didn't have such huge cash on hand, they would be filing for bankruptcy like American Airlines.

So true! I saw the mediocrity and fascism of the "my way or no way" mentality, and didn't care for it. I made the leap out of the ugly system lead by a corrupt management team, and never regretted it. BTW, I didn't work for sales, but in Research. What you describe for sales hold true for R&D, not familiar enough with other sections of the company to comment. But by and large the company is not doing well because of crappy pipeline as a result of dismal R&D management over the last 10 years or so, coupled with disastrous decisions in merger and acquisition. The leadership in R&D should be removed in favor of a more forward looking team with fresh ideas, creating a positive and creative environment, along with smart acquisitions. The current team is just....excuse my language...shit! I wonder when the shareholders will wake up and dump this company to the thrash heap of pharmaceutical history.

But I just could not do it...

I am too passionate about my work, and since you have to spend the majority of your life
working, it was time to bail on Merck and the pharmaceutical industry. Who wants to be in such a toxic environment, in one of the most contracting industries in America...(*Check out the latest issue of money magazine for the list--Merck also makes the list of Top 10 companies laying off people at #3)

Merck no longer even makes a pretense of playing fair with people...The managers are openly corrupt, and do so with complete impunity.

As someone else on CP said, if you don't buy into the lies and the fascism, you are targeted for swift removal.

The whole thing has no other outcome but to keep being a miserable, zero growth, dead end...

For those with the smarts, courage and motivation to leave, ultimately better things will follow.

For those with the smarts, courage and motivation to leave, ultimately better things will follow............yep, for the 25-50 year olds it might be possible. Oldies are different they're here till the bitter end.

For those with the smarts, courage and motivation to leave, ultimately better things will follow............yep, for the 25-50 year olds it might be possible. Oldies are different they're here till the bitter end.

what if the job is making an "oldie" sick because of all the lying...what then?

stay until the bitter end when it is ruining your health?? I think not...hopefully you have
enough scheckels saved by then to get out and semi-retire....

what if the job is making an "oldie" sick because of all the lying...what then?

stay until the bitter end when it is ruining your health?? I think not...hopefully you have
enough scheckels saved by then to get out and semi-retire....

Some oldies have the $$$, some don't.
Work till you can scale it down is my motto.
Problem is......schecklels are not plentiful for plenty of oldies like me.....

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