I think you folks need a good laugh: RTBKPL


  • RTBKPL   Feb 04, 2011 at 07:11: AM
A 65 year old man went to the doctor for his Class II exam and the doctor was amazed at what good shape the guy was in.

The doctor asked, “To what do you attribute your good health?”

The old timer said, “I’m a pilot and that’s why I’m in such good shape. I ‘m up well before daylight, climb all over the plane doing my preflight inspection, flying all day, etc.”

The doctor said, “Well, I’m sure that helps, but there’s got to be more to it. How old was your dad when he died?”

The old timer said, “Who said my dad’s dead?”

The doctor said, “You mean you’re 65 years old and your dad’s still alive? How old is he?”

The old timer said, “He’s 84 yrs old and, in fact, he built and flies his own airplane and he went flying with me this morning. That’s why he’s still alive… he’s a pilot too!”

The doctor said, “Well, that’s great, but I’m sure there’s more to it. How about your dad’s dad? How old was he when he died?”

The old timer said, “Who said my grandpa’s dead?”

The doctor said, “You mean your dad is 84 years old and his father is still living! How old is he?”

The old timer said, “Grandpa is 102 years old and he was a pilot too.”

The doctor was getting frustrated at this point and said, “I guess he went flying with you this morning too?”

The old timer said, “No…Grandpa couldn’t go this morning because he just got married and he’s on his honeymoon.”

The doctor said in amazement, “Got married!! Why would a 102-year-old guy want to get married?”

The old timer said, “Who said he wanted to?”

Have a great day my friends and don't mess with old guys.

Never let the bastards get you down.



Did you see the President give his State of the Union speech? The Theme was "Winning the Future",......or better known as WTF!

RT, please talk about aeroplanes. Your Novartis comments have less and less significance (terminated), and your stand-up routine (some are good) is an excuse to still stay "connected" to CP.

  • RTBKPL   Feb 05, 2011 at 09:31: AM
RT, please talk about aeroplanes. Your Novartis comments have less and less significance (terminated), and your stand-up routine (some are good) is an excuse to still stay "connected" to CP.

My Novartis comments have less and less significance? Because I was terminated? I am not convinced that all those posting here are "still employed" by Novartis. Most posts seem to try to scare or intimidate the rank and file who might come here seeking some form of information. Many are outright attempts to mislead. Yes, on occasion some of the spaghetti thrown at the wall sticks but anyone with a modicum of intelligence can see thru the misrepresentations.

Few of the people I care about still work for Novartis, the handful who remain tell me they rarely if ever check this website. I speak with one of my former counterparts several times a week and it appears that all is not well in Mudville. I'm not sure she will be willing to compromise her values adequately enough to remain among the employed but it appears to me that is what will be required. Management is no longer interested in hard working sales people, they are more interested in those who will support them, look the other way when THEY screw up or break the rules. IF they are sure they can get away with it they might look the other way when you do the same but rest assured if there is a chance their butt could be on the line, yours will be gone in a heart beat.

My advice, cover your six, keep your nose to the grind stone, play by the rules and insure that an adequate amount of manager brown is on the bridge of your nose at all times. (it tickles and they like that)

Good luck to you my friends and remember......

Never let the bastards get you down.


My Novartis comments have less and less significance? Because I was terminated? I am not convinced that all those posting here are "still employed" by Novartis. Most posts seem to try to scare or intimidate the rank and file who might come here seeking some form of information. Many are outright attempts to mislead. Yes, on occasion some of the spaghetti thrown at the wall sticks but anyone with a modicum of intelligence can see thru the misrepresentations.

Few of the people I care about still work for Novartis, the handful who remain tell me they rarely if ever check this website. I speak with one of my former counterparts several times a week and it appears that all is not well in Mudville. I'm not sure she will be willing to compromise her values adequately enough to remain among the employed but it appears to me that is what will be required. Management is no longer interested in hard working sales people, they are more interested in those who will support them, look the other way when THEY screw up or break the rules. IF they are sure they can get away with it they might look the other way when you do the same but rest assured if there is a chance their butt could be on the line, yours will be gone in a heart beat.

My advice, cover your six, keep your nose to the grind stone, play by the rules and insure that an adequate amount of manager brown is on the bridge of your nose at all times. (it tickles and they like that)

Good luck to you my friends and remember......

Never let the bastards get you down.


Cover your six??!! That's aeroplane talk, ain't it glider boy?

My Novartis comments have less and less significance? Because I was terminated? I am not convinced that all those posting here are "still employed" by Novartis. Most posts seem to try to scare or intimidate the rank and file who might come here seeking some form of information. Many are outright attempts to mislead. Yes, on occasion some of the spaghetti thrown at the wall sticks but anyone with a modicum of intelligence can see thru the misrepresentations.

Few of the people I care about still work for Novartis, the handful who remain tell me they rarely if ever check this website. I speak with one of my former counterparts several times a week and it appears that all is not well in Mudville. I'm not sure she will be willing to compromise her values adequately enough to remain among the employed but it appears to me that is what will be required. Management is no longer interested in hard working sales people, they are more interested in those who will support them, look the other way when THEY screw up or break the rules. IF they are sure they can get away with it they might look the other way when you do the same but rest assured if there is a chance their butt could be on the line, yours will be gone in a heart beat.

My advice, cover your six, keep your nose to the grind stone, play by the rules and insure that an adequate amount of manager brown is on the bridge of your nose at all times. (it tickles and they like that)

Good luck to you my friends and remember......

Never let the bastards get you down.


Bitter much? Look deep, perhaps you were fired for a reason.

  • RTBKPL   Feb 07, 2011 at 07:45: AM
Cover your six??!! That's aeroplane talk, ain't it glider boy?

To a degree it is. And if you know me, give me a call and I will take you for a ride in one. (Aeroplane? This must be my social democrat friend)

Never let the bastards get you down.


  • RTBKPL   Feb 07, 2011 at 07:49: AM
My Novartis comments have less and less significance? Because I was terminated? I am not convinced that all those posting here are "still employed" by Novartis. Most posts seem to try to scare or intimidate the rank and file who might come here seeking some form of information. Many are outright attempts to mislead. Yes, on occasion some of the spaghetti thrown at the wall sticks but anyone with a modicum of intelligence can see thru the misrepresentations.

Few of the people I care about still work for Novartis, the handful who remain tell me they rarely if ever check this website. I speak with one of my former counterparts several times a week and it appears that all is not well in Mudville. I'm not sure she will be willing to compromise her values adequately enough to remain among the employed but it appears to me that is what will be required. Management is no longer interested in hard working sales people, they are more interested in those who will support them, look the other way when THEY screw up or break the rules. IF they are sure they can get away with it they might look the other way when you do the same but rest assured if there is a chance their butt could be on the line, yours will be gone in a heart beat.

My advice, cover your six, keep your nose to the grind stone, play by the rules and insure that an adequate amount of manager brown is on the bridge of your nose at all times. (it tickles and they like that)

Good luck to you my friends and remember......

Never let the bastards get you down.


Bitter much? Look deep, perhaps you were fired for a reason.

Bitter? Surely you jest. Fired? No one was fired and all my ratings were at least 2/2. There is no doubt in my mind that they got rid of the older people who were about to cost them lots more in retirement and other compensation. Yes if you were on a pip or had a poor rating you were gone too. I get a years pay, health insurance and can get retiree health insurance when this is over. I will make it to retirement with a pension, social security and a 401K. I hope you do as well my friend. Bitter I am not.

Never let the bastards get you down.


To a degree it is. And if you know me, give me a call and I will take you for a ride in one. (Aeroplane? This must be my social democrat friend)

Never let the bastards get you down.


Been there, done that, but thanks just the same. While peaceful and serene, not enough speed for me. Aeroplane does not equal political bent, just bustin' your balls glider boy. You're a person who wants to have the last word. Two years from now, you'll still be on CP, and others will be asking, who is this turd?

Been there, done that, but thanks just the same. While peaceful and serene, not enough speed for me. Aeroplane does not equal political bent, just bustin' your balls glider boy. You're a person who wants to have the last word. Two years from now, you'll still be on CP, and others will be asking, who is this turd?

Hey what do you do? Wait here lurking for him to post and then come in to bust his balls?
It's you who is the turd. Two years from now you will be looking for his posts.

Bitter? Surely you jest. Fired? No one was fired and all my ratings were at least 2/2. There is no doubt in my mind that they got rid of the older people who were about to cost them lots more in retirement and other compensation. Yes if you were on a pip or had a poor rating you were gone too. I get a years pay, health insurance and can get retiree health insurance when this is over. I will make it to retirement with a pension, social security and a 401K. I hope you do as well my friend. Bitter I am not.

Never let the bastards get you down.


At least 2/2 on all the ratings? Not from what I have been told.....

To the uninformed whiner who keeps insisting that those who were let go had poor ratings, perhaps you should look outside your bedroom in the basement!! The vast majority of the persons I know who were downsized have never received lower than 2/2. I can only think that this person lost their partner who carried them and now is bitter because they will have to go their own until they lose in the next downsizing.