I&T Brilliant at The Bullying


This week, it trickled out that the LT seen it fit to elevate the highly unfit ERP Manager Steven Harvey to level 11 as an, hold your hat, Executive Director???

This is the same guy who’s appeared under our CSL Culture thread.

The word is Harvey has been a source of employee complaints to HR regarding the use of bullying, cursing, demeaning behavior and mud slinging at other I&T colleagues for more than a year.

And now, it appears our LT Rewards this Loose Canon, Screw Loose Bully by promoting him?

What message does this send to CSL colleagues across the Org who have been personally berated and bullied, and that I&T’s one Joe Guido supports this behavior as well as the rest of the LT?

A constant complaining, crass, narcissistic bully is Rewarded?

What message does this carry to all of I&T and the Business?

CSL has devolved into a new low with this situation.

Bullying and bias are celebrated at CSL in many departments. It is not about how things get accomplished - they only look at metrics about what is accomplished. If a bit of bullying and berating takes place along the way - so be it. I just keep my head down.

He fits right in with just about most of the I&T LT. While MH is taking the blame for the I&T re-org which was entirely PM’s idea as project sponsor, MH is morally and ethically bankrupt and has selected his directs to be in complete alignment.

This past year I&T has went from raging dumpster fire to landfill inferno.

More like an ASSWIPE.

The dude has no class, he cannot speak nor articulate and when he does TRY to intelligently speak he talks out of his ass.

Is this really the best that CSL I&T can do? Is HR and Joe Guido sleeping at the wheel l? Do they not know all of the issues this moron has caused the organization?

Anyone, anybody, can run an SAP program… we don’t need a Napoleon syndrome unhinged anger management required bully to do that, nor an AssWipe.

This man is a Pariah on our organization.

How are we supposed to work with a Cro-Magnon Ass Kisser?

We don’t care if his wife protects his employ…something has to give!

This dude is a Cluster F in Ethics.

CSL IT Leadership is either blind, dumb or stupid, or all of the above, for letting this moron hang around!!!

If HR can’t shut him then up what’s going on?

On meeting calls he brings the entire IQ of the room down!

Please - take your Napoleon Syndrome and horrible attitude towards coworkers out the door, man.

There ain’t enough lipstick that’ll work on that Pig!

I am wondering if the new VP of Infrastructure that MH has already chosen can be any worse than the recently ousted GM. Hopefully the week they spent together in meetings over in the UK a few months ago we're constructive. Ashley will certainly have their hands full putting that mess back together. Rumor is, further re-structuring.

Reading this thread one cannot make this sort of stuff up.

Lay this imbecile being in CSL squarely at the feet of Etchberger and then Christie for keeping an Ethics Train Wreck still walking our halls, spewing ridiculous diatribes in meetings and possessing just a flat out low IQ and EQ.

CSL HR’s Poster Child and shining example of keeping Bully Tactics, narcissism, prejudice and Bad Behavior alive and well in a 2022 backwards workplace Culture.



Once Paul M comes in and Mark Hill and the Merck cronies are ousted, this Asswipe, Backwoods Still Bubba will be below the lake as in Deliverance! Paul blessed his staying despite numerous HR and Policy issues. On his watch this Cro-Magnon Bully walks our halls and spews nonsensical jibberisj in ELT Meetings.

Once Paul M comes in and Mark Hill and the Merck cronies are ousted, this Asswipe, Backwoods Still Bubba will be below the lake as in Deliverance! Paul blessed his staying despite numerous HR and Policy issues. On his watch this Cro-Magnon Bully walks our halls and spews nonsensical jibberisj in ELT Meetings.

Just in time for Shape ver 2.