I sell a savings card not efficacy or indications


when I make a call to a doctor I only talk about my savings card. I never discuss efficacy or my drugs indications. Why? Because I have the worst drug in the class and the only way I can sucker a doc into writing my drug is to tell him/her the patient can get it for free. I spend the rest of the day showing pharm techs how to back door approval for my drug on the savings card. How long can thus model sustain itself by giving away the product for nothing?

at least we have the shit meta analysis data to smoke and mirror the made up class effect shit on cardio right? Oh, wait. Docs don't believe that bullshit either. Well, back to selling the saving card.

when I make a call to a doctor I only talk about my savings card. I never discuss efficacy or my drugs indications. Why? Because I have the worst drug in the class and the only way I can sucker a doc into writing my drug is to tell him/her the patient can get it for free. I spend the rest of the day showing pharm techs how to back door approval for my drug on the savings card. How long can thus model sustain itself by giving away the product for nothing?

With a liberal arts degree, you are not qualified to have a meaningful conversation about safety and efficacy with a HCP. Stick to breaking the law by making class effect claims, and teaching providers to game the system with regard to payers. Medicare payers especially like the fact that you are targeting Medicare patients for cost and affordability claims.