I really want to work for Merial


How is the best way to stand out when applying on the website? I have experience in human pharmaceuticals and a very short time period with a veterinary company which was sold only 6 months after I started. Will anyone please help me? What is the typical starting salary and realistic bonus?

Make sure you send in all details on your capabilities to merchandise. This job is huge on retailing. You will be calling on pet shops, groomers, Target, Wal Mart, Tractor Supply, etc..
Really, then maybe a DVM might see you. But he/she will probably be in surgery.

Stay where you are

Merial is the joke of vet sales. Nobody good lasts. Who in their right mind would work for this company? Even their top customers hate doing business with them. Merial is the devil.

Lots of jealous people! I make a ton of money, great benefits, free car, and awesome retirement.

Jealous? Please! Merial is a pathetic company who sells their products based on lies....." Oh doctor, that's a diverter selling those larges quantities to Petsmart!" "Doctor, use our vaccines because every other manufacturer causes sarcomas in cats!" If it weren't for Alice Wolf and Richard Ford, you pathetic losers wouldn't have any vaccine business. They are as pathetic as you losers! If you only knew the facts, you wouldn't be so proud of working for the shadiest company in animal health!

How can you say that? I bet everyone on this site hag says brag is a competitor who is tired of battling the Merial brands everyday. We make great money (the best in the industry), we have the best 401K in the industry, we have the best medical benefits in the industry, and we have a free car, gas, insurance, etc. oh by the way, we have a corporate card with a huge expense account. Doesn't sound so bad does it???

Great response, now get out of the clouds and call on those limit letter accts. But don't do too good of a job with them because I will make them a Z acct and keep your money.