Hate to be a d**** b** but someone was slamming me pretty bad last year when I saw this playing out this way. Regeneron stock is now toast. PCSK-9 is a wonderful break through technology but it is NOT going to be a $20B market (in spite of blow hard Jim Cramer) at least not in the short term. Too much competition and way too hard of a paradigm shift from statins to PCSK-9. The lofty projections above were at best wishful thinking and at worst, pure hype. REGN is now entering their post honeymoon period for explosive revenue growth and stock run up. It will be harder and harder to justify at 60+ PE. This stock could go below 300 before it settles. Don't believe me? Do some homework. When I was with AMGN (15 years there) our stock ran like a 5 year old's nose. Through the roof. Made REGN runup look like a hiccup (48 for one split from start to finish). In 1992 when Clinton took office and Hillary started all her Healthcare Reform talk, we tanked. All Bio and Pharma did. We were growing revenue 25% QUARTER OVER PREVIOUS QUARTER. We were on fire! Stock had split 2 for one and 3 for 1 the year before and was trading at 90 (450 if you take out the splits). We went to 30 before it was all over. That's about to happen here. The big run up has ALWAYS been followed by a big drop. Check out the history of all the Biotech darlings that ran up: Genentech, Biogen, MedImmune, etc. The biggest concern for me is that they just lowered the price to get coverage in the UK. BIG MISTAKE. If you have any vested options that are in the money get out now. If not,you better be in it for the very long haul as it will take that long to get above water. Good luck. Given this is cafe pharma, I expect a lot on nasty, often baseless uninformed emotional retorts. Fair enough. "The buffet is open and it's all you can eat". Bring it!