"I never say I told you so, But".........


Hate to be a d**** b** but someone was slamming me pretty bad last year when I saw this playing out this way. Regeneron stock is now toast. PCSK-9 is a wonderful break through technology but it is NOT going to be a $20B market (in spite of blow hard Jim Cramer) at least not in the short term. Too much competition and way too hard of a paradigm shift from statins to PCSK-9. The lofty projections above were at best wishful thinking and at worst, pure hype. REGN is now entering their post honeymoon period for explosive revenue growth and stock run up. It will be harder and harder to justify at 60+ PE. This stock could go below 300 before it settles. Don't believe me? Do some homework. When I was with AMGN (15 years there) our stock ran like a 5 year old's nose. Through the roof. Made REGN runup look like a hiccup (48 for one split from start to finish). In 1992 when Clinton took office and Hillary started all her Healthcare Reform talk, we tanked. All Bio and Pharma did. We were growing revenue 25% QUARTER OVER PREVIOUS QUARTER. We were on fire! Stock had split 2 for one and 3 for 1 the year before and was trading at 90 (450 if you take out the splits). We went to 30 before it was all over. That's about to happen here. The big run up has ALWAYS been followed by a big drop. Check out the history of all the Biotech darlings that ran up: Genentech, Biogen, MedImmune, etc. The biggest concern for me is that they just lowered the price to get coverage in the UK. BIG MISTAKE. If you have any vested options that are in the money get out now. If not,you better be in it for the very long haul as it will take that long to get above water. Good luck. Given this is cafe pharma, I expect a lot on nasty, often baseless uninformed emotional retorts. Fair enough. "The buffet is open and it's all you can eat". Bring it!
As if "dropping trou" in the EU wasn't bad enough, now both companies are bending over in the US with these insurers. No better way for the Insurers to get a bio/pharma company under its thumb than this! The value of these drugs for the real benefit outcomes (reduced MI, Stroke, etc) is still years away and creating the paradigm shift that will move these products up in the treatment order will lag even further behind the release of that data. In the meantime, their usage will be highly supervised and restricted on formularies. AMGN has other products that will support their current evaluation but the street is waiting on "the come" from REGN on all the PCSK-9 hype. This stock is now a cliche from a Schwarzenegger movie: "Hasta la vista, baby!"

As if "dropping trou" in the EU wasn't bad enough, now both companies are bending over in the US with these insurers. No better way for the Insurers to get a bio/pharma company under its thumb than this! The value of these drugs for the real benefit outcomes (reduced MI, Stroke, etc) is still years away and creating the paradigm shift that will move these products up in the treatment order will lag even further behind the release of that data. In the meantime, their usage will be highly supervised and restricted on formularies. AMGN has other products that will support their current evaluation but the street is waiting on "the come" from REGN on all the PCSK-9 hype. This stock is now a cliche from a Schwarzenegger movie: "Hasta la vista, baby!"

Brilliant retort bumpkin! Don't worry! On you the head up your ass look works! Sounds like you work there. Tell you what. I'll buy out your puny options or RSUs for 25 cents in the dollar. Final offer. Stay in touch so I can do another "I told you so" when they expire under water. ( that means worthless numb nuts)
Brilliant retort bumpkin! Don't worry! On you the head up your ass look works! Sounds like you work there. Tell you what. I'll buy out your puny options or RSUs for 25 cents in the dollar. Final offer. Stay in touch so I can do another "I told you so" when they expire under water. ( that means worthless numb nuts)

Go away trash. YAWN.
Hate to be a d**** b** but someone was slamming me pretty bad last year when I saw this playing out this way. Regeneron stock is now toast. PCSK-9 is a wonderful break through technology but it is NOT going to be a $20B market (in spite of blow hard Jim Cramer) at least not in the short term. Too much competition and way too hard of a paradigm shift from statins to PCSK-9. The lofty projections above were at best wishful thinking and at worst, pure hype. REGN is now entering their post honeymoon period for explosive revenue growth and stock run up. It will be harder and harder to justify at 60+ PE. This stock could go below 300 before it settles. Don't believe me? Do some homework. When I was with AMGN (15 years there) our stock ran like a 5 year old's nose. Through the roof. Made REGN runup look like a hiccup (48 for one split from start to finish). In 1992 when Clinton took office and Hillary started all her Healthcare Reform talk, we tanked. All Bio and Pharma did. We were growing revenue 25% QUARTER OVER PREVIOUS QUARTER. We were on fire! Stock had split 2 for one and 3 for 1 the year before and was trading at 90 (450 if you take out the splits). We went to 30 before it was all over. That's about to happen here. The big run up has ALWAYS been followed by a big drop. Check out the history of all the Biotech darlings that ran up: Genentech, Biogen, MedImmune, etc. The biggest concern for me is that they just lowered the price to get coverage in the UK. BIG MISTAKE. If you have any vested options that are in the money get out now. If not,you better be in it for the very long haul as it will take that long to get above water. Good luck. Given this is cafe pharma, I expect a lot on nasty, often baseless uninformed emotional retorts. Fair enough. "The buffet is open and it's all you can eat". Bring it!
Go away trash. YAWN.

A very wise man once said "Never engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent" I guess I should have observed that. Get the point numbnuts? Let me guess, before your pathetic career as a parasitic drug rep who offers no real value in the world, you were on the debate team at Harvard
I just had my first cup of coffee and now I am proceeding to have my morning bowel movement. I will shit the toilet bowl just like Sanofi shit the
bed with the Praluent launch and subsequent patent infringement. Somebody lite a match!
Well, well. It's been a while since I visited this part of the CafePharma cesspool so I thought I would check in. To the genius who trashed me (I'm so upset, by the way) about my predictions, I just came back briefly to say "I told you so". (actually I hate when A-holes like me say that). HOWEVER, Prauluent AND REGN (the stock) are now toast. In fact, burnt toast. Now I must admit, I was wrong on the share price decline, though. I predicted it would go below $300. I was wrong (wow that was tough to say). BUT, it's not far off and the blood letting may not be over. We'll stay tuned. At a TTM (trailing twelve months) P/E ratio of >50 this stock in this market is still HIGHLY suspect. If I had to do a "gun to my head" prediction, it's going lower. That doesn't mean anything since you are all underwater on your options and have had minimal benefit in the value of your RSU's anyway, but I just had to get the last jab at the know it all who called me all those mean names a while back and cost me thousands in therapy bills. I hope that the company is able to grovel at Amgen's feet and beg for mercy and that it pays off for all of you. Knowing how arrogant and narcisstic leadership is there, I wouldn't count on that though. Either way, dust off your resumes and look for a better option (no pun intended)
Well, well. It's been a while since I visited this part of the CafePharma cesspool so I thought I would check in. To the genius who trashed me (I'm so upset, by the way) about my predictions, I just came back briefly to say "I told you so". (actually I hate when A-holes like me say that). HOWEVER, Prauluent AND REGN (the stock) are now toast. In fact, burnt toast. Now I must admit, I was wrong on the share price decline, though. I predicted it would go below $300. I was wrong (wow that was tough to say). BUT, it's not far off and the blood letting may not be over. We'll stay tuned. At a TTM (trailing twelve months) P/E ratio of >50 this stock in this market is still HIGHLY suspect. If I had to do a "gun to my head" prediction, it's going lower. That doesn't mean anything since you are all underwater on your options and have had minimal benefit in the value of your RSU's anyway, but I just had to get the last jab at the know it all who called me all those mean names a while back and cost me thousands in therapy bills. I hope that the company is able to grovel at Amgen's feet and beg for mercy and that it pays off for all of you. Knowing how arrogant and narcisstic leadership is there, I wouldn't count on that though. Either way, dust off your resumes and look for a better option (no pun intended)

hey fuck dick ass..it aint over yet. And outcomes aren't that far away. Eat shit Mr. Analysis. Ive got a penile glad for you to suck on dick tracey fucking nuts