I love working here...


Yes I do. Before all you ass wipes start hammering me I thought maybe...just maybe something positive could be posted about a company on CP. This is a great company with a great future and I am grateful to be here. Haters no need to respond. Move on if you don't like the comment.


Yes I do. Before all you ass wipes start hammering me I thought maybe...just maybe something positive could be posted about a company on CP. This is a great company with a great future and I am grateful to be here. Haters no need to respond. Move on if you don't like the comment.

Who the hell do you think you are making a post and then telling everyone else on the board not to respond unless they agree? Are you Kim Jung Il? If we don't have anything you agree with to write then we'd better not write?

You are no rep, you are in management and that is the mindset. Now run along and raise prices, minion.

Bevespi showed non-inferiority, the same non-inferiority that Breo showed vs. Advair in three of four trials. Let’s not jump the gun here.

Valid point. And lets not forget that one of the Anoro trials showed no difference vs. just the LABA & Stiolto had a study that showed no superiority vs. Spiriva. This is a hiccup. Bevespi is a great drug.

It is not a great company. I have met more dumb people at this company than from all other companies combined. No strategies. Just winging it. The company is filled with mediocre people who would get eaten alive at other, more competitive, companies. The company's leaders have changed but continue to be unimpressive, uninspiring and not smart. This dates back at least a decade.

Agreed. I feel that the leaders in this company care about the people who work here and would rather move things move someone to another available position than lay them off during hard times. I trust them with my career.

The person that said they love it here probably does and the person that bashed it as well probably does. All companies have good and bad and I am guessing that the original poster has a great leader. They do exist at all companies. If you have a bad one then you have a totally different outlook on the company which is sad. The point is that LEADERS need to step up and make AZ a place where everyone loves it and wants to be here. I love it too but understand there are others not as lucky to have such a great leader.

Agreed. I feel that the leaders in this company care about the people who work here and would rather move things move someone to another available position than lay them off during hard times. I trust them with my career.

Just click those ruby red slippers together Dorothy because you truly are living in OZ.

I like working here because of the wonderful opportunity afforded to me. I know that my job is important because the medications I promote helps to improve and in some cases save lives. Everday is another opportunity for me to influence providers, who in turn impact patients with our life saving drugs, that otherwise might still suffer in silence. I like my salary, car, benefits and career advancment chances.

I love my job!

I like working here because of the wonderful opportunity afforded to me. I know that my job is important because the medications I promote helps to improve and in some cases save lives. Everday is another opportunity for me to influence providers, who in turn impact patients with our life saving drugs, that otherwise might still suffer in silence. I like my salary, car, benefits and career advancment chances.

I love my job!
Yes, I too love my part time job!!!!!!

I love working here too. I don't mind being passed over a job promotion for someone who is
clearly less qualified than me because their ass kissing capabilities far exceed mine.
i love what i do.

I don't mind when my goals increase by 20% because i was doing well in Q2 while other partners in my district get a pass because their territory has sucked wind for the last 8q.

I love my job.

It doesn't bother me when my cumulative FSIP is higher than my partner for the year, yet he is ranked higher than me in COE.

I love my job.

I'm not annoyed at all at my previous manager for selecting me to be the district champion of four different things and helping out the new hires while she is busy promoting herself to the next level, then completely discarding
me as a connection after getting said promotion because I love my job.

It also doesn't bother me when i see two separate respiratory teams selling basically the same products to the same customers, yet one team gets more incentive then the other. Or the mass of highly paid specialty CV reps dressed in scrubs getting into their cars and driving to offices and hospitals to see no one. I love my job and the medicines provided by AZ to help save lives. In the end, that's what it's all about.

I love working here too. I don't mind being passed over a job promotion for someone who is
clearly less qualified than me because their ass kissing capabilities far exceed mine.
i love what i do.

I don't mind when my goals increase by 20% because i was doing well in Q2 while other partners in my district get a pass because their territory has sucked wind for the last 8q.

I love my job.

It doesn't bother me when my cumulative FSIP is higher than my partner for the year, yet he is ranked higher than me in COE.

I love my job.

I'm not annoyed at all at my previous manager for selecting me to be the district champion of four different things and helping out the new hires while she is busy promoting herself to the next level, then completely discarding
me as a connection after getting said promotion because I love my job.

It also doesn't bother me when i see two separate respiratory teams selling basically the same products to the same customers, yet one team gets more incentive then the other. Or the mass of highly paid specialty CV reps dressed in scrubs getting into their cars and driving to offices and hospitals to see no one. I love my job and the medicines provided by AZ to help save lives. In the end, that's what it's all about.
Well, it sounds like your AZ days are over, your time is up. Why do you continue to subject yourself to insults? The grass is absolutely greener!

You love working here? I bet you also love the xanax and mind numbing antidepressants your Dr. prescribed you, too. To simply help you carry on yet another day, "making a difference in patients lives" while being miserable.

Yes I do. Before all you ass wipes start hammering me I thought maybe...just maybe something positive could be posted about a company on CP. This is a great company with a great future and I am grateful to be here. Haters no need to respond. Move on if you don't like the comment.
Such as statement is only valid if you happen to work for a great manager of which there are few. In which case you will be sparred the BS that comes down from Wooten and his subordinates.
In this industry there is a direct relationship between a great manager and job satisfaction.
Why don’t you ask those who report to the “worst managers”? Unless they are ass kissers, they probably hate their jobs.

Such as statement is only valid if you happen to work for a great manager of which there are few. In which case you will be sparred the BS that comes down from Wooten and his subordinates.
In this industry there is a direct relationship between a great manager and job satisfaction.
Why don’t you ask those who report to the “worst managers”? Unless they are ass kissers, they probably hate their jobs.
TOTALLY AGREE. Liked my job prior to my current manager and cbd. BOTH have made it miserable. Does the ebd really not wonder why the region that starts with an A is ALWAYS at the bottom.

Yes I do. Before all you ass wipes start hammering me I thought maybe...just maybe something positive could be posted about a company on CP. This is a great company with a great future and I am grateful to be here. Haters no need to respond. Move on if you don't like the comment.

It is indeed! Gratitude and pay it forward are key to longevity. But alas times are changing and many do not know how that affects their jobs. Just role with it for as long as possible

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