I love this guy telling it like it is

That is awesome on so many levels. They wouldn't accept him seeing all prisoners and not just the black ones but he is the racist! NAACP exposed once again for what they are.

Don't you love how they conveinently ignore anything that challenges their views. Cannot have those wacko views challenged!

Why would anyone want to interrupt your circle jerk?

You conclowns seem to be having such a great time on this thread pretending to be relevant.

Get back to us when you come up with a real issue, say, like t-shirts at the AZ Memorial.

only an overtly partisan and myopic person would use a memorial event as a political rally and only a true believing sycophant such as yourself would see nothing wrong with it.

just sayin

Only a degenerate such as yourself would see the AZ Memorial as anything but what it was . . . An event to pay tribute to the victims of this horrible tragedy.

I feel very bad for you and your ilk - You must lead tortured lives.

Only a degenerate such as yourself would see the AZ Memorial as anything but what it was . . . An event to pay tribute to the victims of this horrible tragedy.

I feel very bad for you and your ilk - You must lead tortured lives.

Awwww Brokeback, I lead a wonderful life. I just call em as I see em. And it was a political rally. Hence the T shirts and all the standing ovations, and Odummyfucker lying about Gabby opening her eyes "for the first time". The narcissistic mother fucker was trying to give the impression that his presence led to her opening her eyse. Gullible fuckers you like fell all over it.

Sick. Sick. Sick.

Awwww Brokeback, I lead a wonderful life. I just call em as I see em. And it was a political rally. Hence the T shirts and all the standing ovations, and Odummyfucker lying about Gabby opening her eyes "for the first time". The narcissistic mother fucker was trying to give the impression that his presence led to her opening her eyse. Gullible fuckers you like fell all over it.

Sick. Sick. Sick.

Your posts sound more and more like Glenn Beck on meth.

Thanks for the insight into your twisted mind.

See you don't even deny that is what Odummyfucker was doing. Even you are even embarrassed by Odummyfucker. Good for you. There might be hope for you yet

Do you wonder what the reaction would have been if it had been John McCain who got murdered?

We would have been sitting here for the last week reading messages from the left about how he deserved it.

Only a degenerate such as yourself would see the AZ Memorial as anything but what it was . . . An event to pay tribute to the victims of this horrible tragedy.

I feel very bad for you and your ilk - You must lead tortured lives.

Only a despicable swill like you would see that it's ok to pimp the death of a nine year-old girl. Your piece of shit president, much like you, have no sense of decorum or shame.

Only an overly partisan and myopic person would see the AZ Memorial as such.

You mean like a Losercrat? Are you suggesting that applause is appropriate during a memorial service? If not that, are you suggesting that only people with whom you agree should be allowed to applaud at mourning services?

What about the tee-shirts. Suppose the shirts had said "McCain For President" on them. Would they not also be OK? If they are not ok, then who gets to make the decision to allow them or not? Suppose the shirts had said "kill the Tea Party" on them. Same two questions. Would they be OK, and who gets to decide?

Only a despicable swill like you would see that it's ok to pimp the death of a nine year-old girl. Your piece of shit president, much like you, have no sense of decorum or shame.

Nobody 'pimped the death of a nine year-old girl'. You and your ilk are mentally twisted to the point of no return.

Your posts are becoming more unhinged with each word you type, if that is possible. Keep typing, I'll try to responsd as if I care, crumbeater.

Only a degenerate such as yourself would see the AZ Memorial as anything but what it was . . . An event to pay tribute to the victims of this horrible tragedy.

I feel very bad for you and your ilk - You must lead tortured lives.

And your side seems to have lost a great deal of credibility this week. Contact your buddy Vag for an interesting discussion of how gas taxes in South Korea effect the price of gas in the United States.

The left and Obama absolutely pimped the death of a nine year old and everyone involved in this tragedy. They did it blatantly and for political gain. The whole country notices it. See you leftys keep forgetting that the Right has a very popular way of getting the word out on your sides antics. The left, and it's media sources (MSNBC,CNN, etc.) can no longer make up shit and get away with it.

This last stunt by the left has done some major damage. I doubt you nuts will recover from it soon. I actually think you leftys have further hurt your chances for a good outcome in 2012. People have seen you libs for what you are.

Thanks for checking in, Sarah.

When is your next 'tweet' going to be posted?