I Love it when you Fail


Astellas is a horrible company. Worked there for one year and ended badly. Spent less than 3 hrs in field with my Dm in that entire year. Then railroaded via compliance and HR BS...Serious BS! - Worst company and Manager ever in my life!
Soooooo- Yeah, I will always love to see you fail -- "Astellas clot drug raises bleeding in heart study!" Ohhhh, so sorry for your loss. Jack-off's


You sound a tad resentful. However, I know of three or four very good professionals who were with Astellas and would share the exact same story as you. They came on board -had zero integration and then got run-out by a psycho-zealous HR/Compliance machine! Everyone in this company operates out of fear now.. It's sick! It's truly horrible what this company has become in past couple years. It WAS so good - But truly, those days and that leadership is gone. I'm getting recruitment offers almost monthly and 5 years ago I would have said no to every one. Now I look at every one because Astellas is a sinking ship.

Astellas is a horrible company. Worked there for one year and ended badly. Spent less than 3 hrs in field with my Dm in that entire year. Then railroaded via compliance and HR BS...Serious BS! - Worst company and Manager ever in my life!
Soooooo- Yeah, I will always love to see you fail -- "Astellas clot drug raises bleeding in heart study!" Ohhhh, so sorry for your loss. Jack-off's

Truer words have never been spoken:

"Worst company and Manager ever in my life!"

True enough, true enough. There are many that can testify to the massiveMassiveMASSIVE corruption in this shit bag company.

Take a job here, and you will be very sorry.

I worked here for 6 years and left due to unrealistic expecations and a better offer from another company. I can tell you life goes on away from Astellas.

I can also tell you that Astellas has the worst HR department in the industry in my opinion!

This company is run with fear tactics of losing you job! How can anyone be successful if they are looking over there shoulder more than looking a selling opportunites? They can't!

The only way for Astellas to succeed is to fire all HR dept and start over.

HR is supposed to be your enemy.... they are trained to be a confidant and act all caring but in the background are calculating your exit

you complain = you get moved out

play the game, check the boxes.... be a good boy/girl and nobody gets hurt

HR is supposed to be your enemy.... they are trained to be a confidant and act all caring but in the background are calculating your exit

you complain = you get moved out

play the game, check the boxes.... be a good boy/girl and nobody gets hurt

You are correct! I've seen this scenario play out over and over to GOOD, HONEST, people.
It's a travesty that one has to "play the game" to keep a job!

Everyone should just realize that your full time job at companies like this is simply to keep your job! Growing sales, educating offices - all BS. Just keep your head low, play the game, and keep your job! Don't push the envelope, by all means don't give real feedback, and play the game. Lots of honest heroes out there who are now collecting unemployment. Sad but true....

Everyone should just realize that your full time job at companies like this is simply to keep your job! Growing sales, educating offices - all BS. Just keep your head low, play the game, and keep your job! Don't push the envelope, by all means don't give real feedback, and play the game. Lots of honest heroes out there who are now collecting unemployment. Sad but true....

Sad indeed. Surviving the game is the job description. The appropriate feed back is always "I thinks that's a great idea." The root of all of this is endless layers of middle management brought on by the merger. All trying to justify their existence.

A wise man once said "I don't get it, we keep hiring people and none of them sell anything." I don't get it either.

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