I loathe working 4 Talecrisis!

its extremely disappointing and downright wrong they cut the EPO medical coverage for next year while the execs are making millions of dollars...let them pay for medical expenses on a tight budget for a year and see how they feel.

Many analysts are suggesting that members of the current White House administration are dead set against FTC approval of the proposed Grifols/Talecris merger until Cerberus has submitted their plan to pay back every dime, plus compounded interest, of their US taxpayer bailout funds.

Every Talecris employee would certainly agree with this approach since the vast majority won't receive one dollar extra in their future paychecks should the merger be approved. Even though Cerberus gladly accepted their hard earned money and used some of it to pay out huge Cerberus bonuses to Chrysler executives!

Why you people aren't mounting a letter writing campaign to Stern and the board has many of us wondering why you haven't taken a stance.

Many analysts are suggesting that members of the current White House administration are dead set against FTC approval of the proposed Grifols/Talecris merger until Cerberus has submitted their plan to pay back every dime, plus compounded interest, of their US taxpayer bailout funds.

Every Talecris employee would certainly agree with this approach since the vast majority won't receive one dollar extra in their future paychecks should the merger be approved. Even though Cerberus gladly accepted their hard earned money and used some of it to pay out huge Cerberus bonuses to Chrysler executives!

Why you people aren't mounting a letter writing campaign to Stern and the board has many of us wondering why you haven't taken a stance.

I wish we would. This whole thing makes me sick. If this goes through, it will be a disaster for many employees and their families. More jobs overseas...imagine that. Maybe the WH will step in? Maybe not?

Talecris management is a #$%&@! joke. Nice Yellow, Purple, and Red Sweaters with white collars @#holes! Is that the required standard kiss ass issue wear for the management team to look like their mentors??
The hop, skip, and step snapping your fingers around couldn't prove better how arrogant and idiotic you guys look. The National Director of Sales is *&$!ing clueless!!! Ever really listen to him?? Such a stupid *&$! that has absolutely no clue how patients are identified and how the these drugs are initiated and ordered. How does one become a National Director of Sales after working for GSK with absolutely no experience marketing or selling in Hospitals or to Hematologists or Infectious Disease Specialists?????? Think about it John Boys club...No wonder sales direction is out of touch with the marketplace...