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I Live By This Motto


When you focus on problems, you'll have more problems.
When you focus on possibilities, you'll have more opportunities.

This works for me. Please share your inspiration with others!


AND I live by THIS motto:

Reps are a dime a dozen, we gotta trim da fat

To stay profitable and for me to get mo money, we gotta do dat

Don't cry ya'll, you know dis gig couldn't last forever

I stay str8 pimpin', no matter what the weather

My motto is that....

There is a special place in HELL for so called Leaders who by their own willful negligence & incompetence destroy the lives of other people, for whom these leaders are suppose to be taking care of.....

.....may these SOBs burn for all time !

My motto is that....

There is a special place in HELL for so called Leaders who by their own willful negligence & incompetence destroy the lives of other people, for whom these leaders are suppose to be taking care of.....

.....may these SOBs burn for all time !

I don't support management and the leadership of this company. In fact, I believe they have failed and are derelict in the performance of their duties. However, they are not responsible for "taking care of the employees". No one adopted you and guaranteed you employment forever. If you are unhappy with your job, salary, supervisor, or the leadership of the company; go somewhere where it is all rainbows and unicorns. Stop the victim mentality. If you are still here (where peoples lives are destroyed.... a little dramatic), then it is by your own choice. Have some self respect and leave.

I don't support management and the leadership of this company. In fact, I believe they have failed and are derelict in the performance of their duties. However, they are not responsible for "taking care of the employees". No one adopted you and guaranteed you employment forever. If you are unhappy with your job, salary, supervisor, or the leadership of the company; go somewhere where it is all rainbows and unicorns. Stop the victim mentality. If you are still here (where peoples lives are destroyed.... a little dramatic), then it is by your own choice. Have some self respect and leave.

I prefer to f--k this company over until hell freezes over. And I'm doing a bang-up job of it.

FU Merck.

I prefer to f--k this company over until hell freezes over. And I'm doing a bang-up job of it.

FU Merck.

What you fail to realize Mr/Ms. self centered, is that you are only hurting your fellow employees...not the leadership. So, enough of the f_k the company crap. You are one sick individual to enjoy hurting your fellow workers. Take your toxic attitude and activities and go somewhere else.

I'm trying to turn over a new leaf so from now on my Zig Ziglar motto will be "The choice to have a great attitude is something that nobody or no circumstance can take away from you"

What you fail to realize Mr/Ms. self centered, is that you are only hurting your fellow employees...not the leadership. So, enough of the f_k the company crap. You are one sick individual to enjoy hurting your fellow workers. Take your toxic attitude and activities and go somewhere else.

Merck has done plenty to hurt the employees. I'd say they've done everything possible to hurt the employees.

Pinning the blame on the victims is utterly ludicrous. I can't believe that everybody has yet to adopt the f--k the company mindset. I know that I have. They've shown no loyalty to me, that's for damn sure.

Merck has done plenty to hurt the employees. I'd say they've done everything possible to hurt the employees.

Pinning the blame on the victims is utterly ludicrous. I can't believe that everybody has yet to adopt the f--k the company mindset. I know that I have. They've shown no loyalty to me, that's for damn sure.

Be specific. How has Merck, a corporation, hurt employees?

You are an at will employee. Meaning you may leave at your will or the company may let you go at their will. Every employee has the ultimate power of choice: leave at any time. If you are unhappy, leave and go to another large corporation that will meet your expectations.

Be specific. How has Merck, a corporation, hurt employees?

You are an at will employee. Meaning you may leave at your will or the company may let you go at their will. Every employee has the ultimate power of choice: leave at any time. If you are unhappy, leave and go to another large corporation that will meet your expectations.

Who are you to judge one's personal feelings. You are not God!

Be specific. How has Merck, a corporation, hurt employees?

You are an at will employee. Meaning you may leave at your will or the company may let you go at their will. Every employee has the ultimate power of choice: leave at any time. If you are unhappy, leave and go to another large corporation that will meet your expectations.

Oh Yes !

The above poster would lead us folks, who have been here giving everything we have to this company, to believe that it's really easy to just pick up and leave !
(Tomorrow you'll be able to find another job who'll provide you with all the same benefits: pay, title, tenure, vacation, etc. that you had at the job where you just quit; because oh yes, the grass is green all around in this country today !!! NOT !)

You are a complete JACKA$$ !!!

After spending years at a company going above and beyond to make it better this poster would say that the company owes us nothing.... if that were true then Merck would just fire us all because none of us have any value at all; but they don't !!! They even recognize this by either keeping you or giving you some sort of severance package !

So I call BS on this A$$HOLE who obviously works for someone on the Merck Board, VP, HR, etc.

Any company is made up by the sum of its parts in order to continue to better itself. If it didn't owe anything to its' employees then every Major CORP out there would fire everybody and rehire a new batch of folks at entry level salaries.

Is this happening ? No !!! (layoffs because of poor decisions at the top: Yes)

So.... Troller go F yourself !!!

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