I heard the funniest thing about BC


I left this hell hole, but was talking to my friends in Oncology and they told me that tool bag BC just spent like 2 months personally working on the door drop for ASH Convention that says Cephalon Oncology is now Teva. That is sooooo strategic! I'll bet that will make Cephalon millions of dollars! This guy is a marketing genius! Then, he put the VP of Sales from Pain in the Treanda Marketing Director spot. Funny thing is that he was never higher than a Product Manager 10 years ago on Effexor?? Then, he put someone from Med. Affairs, with no sales OR marketing experience as the 2nd Marketing Manager on Omapro! He has single handedly lost all of the people who made the Oncology Franchise so profitable and put a bunch of people in jobs they are not qualified for... It literally is like a great experiment. Someone once said that this guy absolutely has to be being paid by the competition and I can't help but believe it. Nobody can possibly make a bad decision at every possible turn. The worst decision was to hide the truth about the Treanda trials and put patients in harms way, by continuing study 3064, when they clearly knew it was a mess, but kept putting patients into it, so it didn't appear as though they weren't really going for a front line indication. It was nothing more than a "mitigation strategy" as they all said. May he rot in hell for doing that to cancer patients.