I have an interview this week with FSC/Flamel


I have 2 years of B to B experience and really want to get into pharma. Any new feedback? I have read all of the negative feedback.. The starting salary would be $45k which is a little more than the previous salary.

Any info is appreciated!

I have 2 years of B to B experience and really want to get into pharma. Any new feedback? I have read all of the negative feedback.. The starting salary would be $45k which is a little more than the previous salary.

Any info is appreciated!

Wow $45k base????? Didn't realize this company paid so low! That is 1995 starting salary for pharma!

I have 2 years of B to B experience and really want to get into pharma. Any new feedback? I have read all of the negative feedback.. The starting salary would be $45k which is a little more than the previous salary.

Any info is appreciated!

This sh!tty organization run by Michael A$$hole Anderson is not a pharmaceutical company. It's a pharmaceutical scam with halfway decent medicines, horrible insurance coverage and an incompetent senior management team. You are better off going somewhere else.

Wow $45k base????? Didn't realize this company paid so low! That is 1995 starting salary for pharma!

FSC Pediatrics historically pays low because their sales model is to churn and burn kids straight out of college. FSC Pediatrics doesn't want to pay for veteran success. They want young kids who will sink or swim within 6 to 12 months.

I have 2 years of B to B experience and really want to get into pharma. Any new feedback? I have read all of the negative feedback.. The starting salary would be $45k which is a little more than the previous salary.

Any info is appreciated!

The good news for you is there are plenty of openings because reps are leaving this dump left and right , including the national sales director. The bad news , this company will continue to run off reps under Michael Lying @ss Anderson.

I wouldn't be surprised if they eventually go to a contract salesforce but contract salesforce reps make way more than this sweatshop. This pharmaceutical company is truly the bottom of the barrel for getting into pharmaceutical sales. Another company may by this dump for the delivery technology and get rid of even more reps.