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Hate would be an understatement - the horrible people at this company are in it to ruin lives. Some of the worst people that exist on this planet work here. Cant wish anything but the worst for them.

Hate would be an understatement - the horrible people at this company are in it to ruin lives. Some of the worst people that exist on this planet work here. Cant wish anything but the worst for them.
You must be at the bottom of our quota attainment rankings. Blaming others because you’re terrible at selling. I’ll bet you’re 41, aging out, and are realizing that you prob going to be screwed income wise for the rest of your life.

You must be at the bottom of our quota attainment rankings. Blaming others because you’re terrible at selling. I’ll bet you’re 41, aging out, and are realizing that you prob going to be screwed income wise for the rest of your life.
This is giving me dejavu… exactly how marky marky speaks at prollenium. If he is that smart, does he know that’s what reps call him? Marky the bully

Another day of conversations with some other company to catch up with someone I had t for a while “how’s it going? Where u at these days, they asked”…”At this company called Galderma, have yiu heard of it?”…”yeh, what’s that guys name - Francis Ornskong?” No, Flemming ornskov. “Yeh he’s an absolute turd. I feel sorry for you and people that are there”. In today’s world can’t believe we have this reputation. Ben Foulk is doing a piss poor job in US.

Another day of conversations with some other company to catch up with someone I had t for a while “how’s it going? Where u at these days, they asked”…”At this company called Galderma, have yiu heard of it?”…”yeh, what’s that guys name - Francis Ornskong?” No, Flemming ornskov. “Yeh he’s an absolute turd. I feel sorry for you and people that are there”. In today’s world can’t believe we have this reputation. Ben Foulk is doing a piss poor job in US.
Fleming’s reputation is soooo bad!

There’s so much hatred because reward at this company has nothing to do with ability. It is all snakework and smoke and mirrors. Infact the very thing that your bosses will ask you to do will end up getting you fired. Word for word. I wake up every day wondering if I have a job. I hear assholes like Mike Shires all day just shitting bullets and snaking through life without any substance and knowing anything about the business. US teams are just trying to make sure no information reaches global teams. SmGMs have no power. There’s no longer term thinking. I feel stuck, too old to go elsewhere but the uncertainty of getting fired is stressful. People like Bob Z who don’t do shit are still here collecting their 9-2 PM coupon. Don’t understand how any of this works here. Crazy town - don’t wish any of this on my worst enemies.

There’s so much hatred because reward at this company has nothing to do with ability. It is all snakework and smoke and mirrors. Infact the very thing that your bosses will ask you to do will end up getting you fired. Word for word. I wake up every day wondering if I have a job. I hear assholes like Mike Shires all day just shitting bullets and snaking through life without any substance and knowing anything about the business. US teams are just trying to make sure no information reaches global teams. SmGMs have no power. There’s no longer term thinking. I feel stuck, too old to go elsewhere but the uncertainty of getting fired is stressful. People like Bob Z who don’t do shit are still here collecting their 9-2 PM coupon. Don’t understand how any of this works here. Crazy town - don’t wish any of this on my worst enemies.
I feel for you as I also wonder every day if it will be my last day. Zero job security and age is not in my favor either. Absolutely true that GM’s have no power. All they do is execute the orders barked from the top. It’s a sad, sad place and emotionally stressful.

I really wished I read cafepharma before I joined. Kudos to folks past and present who post here to help others out. Everyone’s shit stinks but this is just straight up rancid.

I feel the same pain as everyone. The truth is Galderma has created a lot of detractors for itself. I am well connected in the medical community and I will never champion for Galderma’s products. Some may think well great you are just one person, but if there’s enough of us out there then you can imagine the impact that it would make. I can tell you for a fact that I am personally responsible for atleast 15 HCPs that will never sell a Galderma product. The hate for this company is real.

I feel the same pain as everyone. The truth is Galderma has created a lot of detractors for itself. I am well connected in the medical community and I will never champion for Galderma’s products. Some may think well great you are just one person, but if there’s enough of us out there then you can imagine the impact that it would make. I can tell you for a fact that I am personally responsible for atleast 15 HCPs that will never sell a Galderma product. The hate for this company is real.
agree as I have also been a major voice against Galderma and its people and its products. they have ruined my life and the good lord know that. if they have some unfortunate event happen to them they should think of me and the bad vibes I am sending their way.

Is this for real? I am in the process of iv. This is the worst impression that a company can have. I am guessing a lot of folks here are current employees?
Current and past employees who have had a bad experience and their lives ruined by this company. Turnover rate is significantly above industry average. Morale is low and culture inexistant. It all started with the arrival of Flemming.

I feel the same pain as everyone. The truth is Galderma has created a lot of detractors for itself. I am well connected in the medical community and I will never champion for Galderma’s products. Some may think well great you are just one person, but if there’s enough of us out there then you can imagine the impact that it would make. I can tell you for a fact that I am personally responsible for atleast 15 HCPs that will never sell a Galderma product. The hate for this company is real.
Wow. All 15? Should I alert the board or will you add it to your impressive list of accomplishments?

Current and past employees who have had a bad experience and their lives ruined by this company. Turnover rate is significantly above industry average. Morale is low and culture inexistant. It all started with the arrival of Flemming.
Exactly this. Avoid joining Galderma if you can, and if you are still here leave. This company does not deserve us.