I Got The Job!!!!I

Congratulations on a great move! There will be ups and downs and the ups will far outweigh the downs. Nearly every conversation you have will have the potential to help a patient get back to life sooner. The longer you work with ISI, it will become even more obvious how great of a decision you have made. Use those around you and their experience to help your progress and try and do something each day to help a colleague. That's how we reach our greatest potential.

But what does this mean exactly? Not saying you're wrong just seeking clarity. So everything goes to shyt at the 6 month mark?

Mostly, yes. Your romance with "being part of the best surgical company" with "amazing innovation" and "market leading/making position" will melt in the disappointment of the childish way they treat their sales reps. The days of $250k + are gone. Oh, you might hear a good story now and then, but the romance is over. You will sleep thinking about your forecast and wake up feeling unrested to drag yourself out of bed to do it again. QOL is low, and there are so many guys on the street who have now "been there, done that" working for intuitive, that you are no longer differentiating yourself. And, you will be asked to make your customers so uncomfortable, that when you leave they will no longer want to do business with you. Which, will most likely be in 18 months or less. Still, I wish you luck.

Mostly, yes. Your romance with "being part of the best surgical company" with "amazing innovation" and "market leading/making position" will melt in the disappointment of the childish way they treat their sales reps. The days of $250k + are gone. Oh, you might hear a good story now and then, but the romance is over. You will sleep thinking about your forecast and wake up feeling unrested to drag yourself out of bed to do it again. QOL is low, and there are so many guys on the street who have now "been there, done that" working for intuitive, that you are no longer differentiating yourself. And, you will be asked to make your customers so uncomfortable, that when you leave they will no longer want to do business with you. Which, will most likely be in 18 months or less. Still, I wish you luck.

Right, customers don't like working with Intuitive. One only has to look at how surgery is at best growing 1-2% a year and Intuitive is growing in the teens. Head to a high growth place like Ethicon. Customers love them, which is why they keep buying the same or less product each year.

Wait, whaa?

I don't work for intuitive, and wouldn't want to, but all of my accounts seem to love their Intuitive rep. One of them relocated recently, and the OR nurses threw her a going away party. So I think it's all in how you handle your business.