I was in the waiting room at one of my Onc clinics talking to the receptionist at the window. We were discussing Aranesp. She asked me to wait a few minutes to see the Dr & the PA. I sit down and a patient who obviously overheard me asked if I was the Aranesp rep. I smiled & said yes. She screamed at me that she was on 500mcg and her copay was over $400 and what a horrible person I was driving a fancy company car, etc while raping patients of copays they can't afford. I politely said that there are foundations that help patients who cannot afford their medications. She was so pissed at me and was so rude. The other patients witnessed it as well. Fortunately the receptionist saw it too & called me in shortly afterward. The receptionist said to me that "now you know how we feel" when they get calls from patients who cant afford the drugs that are prescribed to them. I felt bad for the lady but it isn't my fault!