I disagree with parents lawsuit over dead rep


i read where a Sankyo rep died of hypothermia after drinking all day at a "Polar Bear" outing in NJ. She never swam, just hung around drinking all day and night until somehow she was found frozen like a popsicle the next day. Now her parents are suing the town, the event, basically everyone out there. Now, it's just my opinion here, but shouldn't the parents be sued for never teaching their daughter personal responsibility? Almost 40 and drinking all day at some sort of goofy event like a college-age kid? come on! No, the bars are responsible, the event planners are responsible, the town is responsible, etc. Pluueze! teach your kid to know when to say when!

Sounds like she was out partying and got too wasted. Is this anyone's fault but hers? I think not. Tragic, yes, but shouldn't people take responsibility for their own actions?

Here is the article:

Feb 21 2011, New York — The parents of a woman who died during a polar bear club event in New Jersey filed a massive lawsuit blaming 19 people for her mysterious death. The body of Tracy Hottenstein, 35, of Conshohocken, Penn., was found floating in Sea Isle City bay in February 2009 during the weekend of the town's Polar Bear Plunge, when hundreds of swimmers take a dip in the icy Atlantic to raise money for charity. Hottenstein didn't actually participate in the swim, but had come to the Jersey Shore party town to join the raucous festivities that surround the event. According to a medical examiner's report, she died of hypothermia and acute alcohol intoxication. She also had several broken ribs, leading authorities to believe that she had fallen off a dock during a moonlight stroll after a night of heavy drinking. Authorities said temperatures were below freezing the night she died. Hottenstein had been boozing in at least two bars that night and was captured on surveillance cameras leaving the last one after 2 a.m. on Feb. 15, local police said. Now, her parents are holding just about everyone she came in contact with that weekend accountable for her death, including a couple who had her over for dinner the night she died. Among those named in the lawsuit are: Sea Isle City The city's police department, as well as several officers The hospital where she died The doctor who pronounced her dead The owners of the two bars she was at on the night she died The Polar Bear organization "The city commissioners knew that public drunkenness and public alcohol consumption, both violations of city ordinances, occurred at Polar Bear Plunge events," Hottenstein's parents, Charlie and Betty, said in the lawsuit. "The Polar Bear Plunge is a state-created danger ... for encouraging people to expose themselves to frigid air and water, risking hypothermia." The Hottensteins have attended several Sea Isle City council meetings to complain about what they said was the town's choice to ignore the excessive partying that accompanies the event. "We just don't see the city doing anything to clean up the bars that may be over-serving or enforcing its own ordinances on public intoxication," Charlie Hottenstein told the Cape May County Herald. He said the couple attended last year's plunge and were shocked by the "constant flow of people staggering around drunk." "If last year's event was an indication of what they think, they sure don't want to miss out on the cash flow," Charlie Hottenstein told the paper. "They got those plows out and piled big monster piles of snow up right where our daughter was found dead. This year's plunge is slated for Feb. 19 and Police Chief Thomas D'Intino said in a statement that the Coast Guard, state and county police would be on hand to assist the city's beach patrol. Hottenstein's friends are trying to get a small memorial built to remember her and plan on dedicating a stone near the marina before the event. "It's also where she took her last breath," Holly Judge, one of Hottenstein's oldest friends, told the Herald.

i read where a Sankyo rep died of hypothermia after drinking all day at a "Polar Bear" outing in NJ. She never swam, just hung around drinking all day and night until somehow she was found frozen like a popsicle the next day. Now her parents are suing the town, the event, basically everyone out there. Now, it's just my opinion here, but shouldn't the parents be sued for never teaching their daughter personal responsibility? Almost 40 and drinking all day at some sort of goofy event like a college-age kid? come on! No, the bars are responsible, the event planners are responsible, the town is responsible, etc. Pluueze! teach your kid to know when to say when!

You're obviously not a parent you asshole! If and when you have kids someday, you'll understand. I'm sure these poor people, who lost their daughter, could give a shit about the money. You can't possibly know the facts of the case or what is going on in her parents minds. Do some soul searching you jerkoff and pray you never find yourself in a situation like the one these people deal with every day. This may be a winner for the all time biggest dick post. You really are a complete scumbag...

You're obviously not a parent you asshole! If and when you have kids someday, you'll understand. I'm sure these poor people, who lost their daughter, could give a shit about the money. You can't possibly know the facts of the case or what is going on in her parents minds. Do some soul searching you jerkoff and pray you never find yourself in a situation like the one these people deal with every day. This may be a winner for the all time biggest dick post. You really are a complete scumbag...

No, every time I post its the BIGGEST DICK post.

LOL, Wake Up flying nun, this CafePharma, everyone is an asshole here.

It is a terrible way to die and very sad story however, people need to take responsibility for themselves. When are people going to stop relying on everybody else for their well-being? The government should not be the ones who tell you, "you've had enough alcohol tonite, that's enough." Just as much as enforcing silly taxes on soda, or paying for yet another child born to a deadbeat mother on medicaid! It all ties together people and it's why our country is going down the tubes START TAKING RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOURSELF!!!

You're obviously not a parent you asshole! If and when you have kids someday, you'll understand. I'm sure these poor people, who lost their daughter, could give a shit about the money. You can't possibly know the facts of the case or what is going on in her parents minds. Do some soul searching you jerkoff and pray you never find yourself in a situation like the one these people deal with every day. This may be a winner for the all time biggest dick post. You really are a complete scumbag...

So what you are saying is that the lawyer will donate all their fees to charity? Will the parents give all their "winnings" to a local homeless shelter? Some how, I doubt it. I read the article and I know the facts. How many people swam that day? how many people were in Sea Isle that day? How many people went into bars and diners that day? Did they all survive? But it's the bar or the polar bear club or Sea Isle City that is responsible for this death? I am sorry that a parent lost a child but society losses more when the courts and economy are saddled with absurd lawsuits were greed is the only motivation.

So what you are saying is that the lawyer will donate all their fees to charity? Will the parents give all their "winnings" to a local homeless shelter? Some how, I doubt it. I read the article and I know the facts. How many people swam that day? how many people were in Sea Isle that day? How many people went into bars and diners that day? Did they all survive? But it's the bar or the polar bear club or Sea Isle City that is responsible for this death? I am sorry that a parent lost a child but society losses more when the courts and economy are saddled with absurd lawsuits were greed is the only motivation.

No, I actually agree with you about lawyers and suing and all that other bullshit. I also agree that most lawsuits and legal action are also bullshit. I'll even agree with you that people should be responsible for their own actions.

The point I was making is simple... Anyone that looses a child is going to be in such a dark place that they're not thinking logically. They're probably mad at the world and have no idea where to turn. I've known parents that have lost children and it like they're in a permanent state of shock. Money means nothing to people that are stuck in limbo. Some dirtball lawyer probably exploited their situation and wanted a payday. I wouldn't be too quick to judge these parents. I'd be willing to bet they would pay 100 times their "winnings" to get their daughter back. I'm not saying you're a bad person. You just don't have a fucking clue... Like I said, someday, if and when you have children, you'll understand.

No, I actually agree with you about lawyers and suing and all that other bullshit. I also agree that most lawsuits and legal action are also bullshit. I'll even agree with you that people should be responsible for their own actions.

The point I was making is simple... Anyone that looses a child is going to be in such a dark place that they're not thinking logically. They're probably mad at the world and have no idea where to turn. I've known parents that have lost children and it like they're in a permanent state of shock. Money means nothing to people that are stuck in limbo. Some dirtball lawyer probably exploited their situation and wanted a payday. I wouldn't be too quick to judge these parents. I'd be willing to bet they would pay 100 times their "winnings" to get their daughter back. I'm not saying you're a bad person. You just don't have a fucking clue... Like I said, someday, if and when you have children, you'll understand.

You're a moron. Being a parent doesn't give you a carte blanke excuse to be an asshole. The parents are suing everyone, including the rescuers, paramedics, and doctors that pronounced her dead. I own a home in the town, I'm encouraging the town and our taxpayers association to countersue for legal fees and libel.

i hope they erect a stone memorial to her. I will then go down to the marina, trip over it, and sustain "pain and suffering" and sue everyone involved with putting that memorial there and causing a "dangerous situation"

You're a moron. Being a parent doesn't give you a carte blanke excuse to be an asshole. The parents are suing everyone, including the rescuers, paramedics, and doctors that pronounced her dead. I own a home in the town, I'm encouraging the town and our taxpayers association to countersue for legal fees and libel.

HAHAHAHA! I love it! I'm the moron!?!? I what the fuck does "carte blanke" mean??? I think you were trying to say carte blanche. Carte blanke is the cum rag your mother uses to clean herself off after the trucker peep show. Get it right asshole!

Good luck with your countersuit jerkweed. BTW, I'm too familiar with the jersey shore area, but isn't Sea Isle City considered to be the shittiest shore point in Jersey. Sounds like your doing great! Say hi to Snookie for me.

I am just wondering here:

Isn't is possible she took her own life? I mean, almost 40, unmarried, no kids, and stuck in primary care with this company? If that's not enough motivation to depress you into drinking yourself to death, I don't know what is.

HAHAHAHA! I love it! I'm the moron!?!? I what the fuck does "carte blanke" mean??? I think you were trying to say carte blanche. Carte blanke is the cum rag your mother uses to clean herself off after the trucker peep show. Get it right asshole!

Good luck with your countersuit jerkweed. BTW, I'm too familiar with the jersey shore area, but isn't Sea Isle City considered to be the shittiest shore point in Jersey. Sounds like your doing great! Say hi to Snookie for me.

Ha making fun of a typo is the best you can do? Property values in Sea Isle are over a half million each.. where is the shore house you own? By the way, Snookie is in SeaSIDE, not Sea Isle.

You're obviously not a parent you asshole! If and when you have kids someday, you'll understand. I'm sure these poor people, who lost their daughter, could give a shit about the money. You can't possibly know the facts of the case or what is going on in her parents minds. Do some soul searching you jerkoff and pray you never find yourself in a situation like the one these people deal with every day. This may be a winner for the all time biggest dick post. You really are a complete scumbag...

These parents need some parenting classes.

You're a moron. Being a parent doesn't give you a carte blanke excuse to be an asshole. The parents are suing everyone, including the rescuers, paramedics, and doctors that pronounced her dead. I own a home in the town, I'm encouraging the town and our taxpayers association to countersue for legal fees and libel.

I am suing tomorrow,all of you! This gives me a headache. My life is changed from this headache.

i read where a Sankyo rep died of hypothermia after drinking all day at a "Polar Bear" outing in NJ. She never swam, just hung around drinking all day and night until somehow she was found frozen like a popsicle the next day. Now her parents are suing the town, the event, basically everyone out there. Now, it's just my opinion here, but shouldn't the parents be sued for never teaching their daughter personal responsibility? Almost 40 and drinking all day at some sort of goofy event like a college-age kid? come on! No, the bars are responsible, the event planners are responsible, the town is responsible, etc. Pluueze! teach your kid to know when to say when!

I pray you never have kids or if you do I hope God keep his protecting hand on them because they have an idiot for a parent.

Ha making fun of a typo is the best you can do? Property values in Sea Isle are over a half million each.. where is the shore house you own? By the way, Snookie is in SeaSIDE, not Sea Isle.

So you've chosen to defend your property value in shit-isle-city over your mothers cum rag usage??? I have a place in the Hamptons. The guy that cleans my pool has a house in sea isle. That's they only reason I know about it. Seaside/sea isle is there really a difference? You can see how someone would make that mistake...