I crapped my pants!

I too have crapped my pants, and I've been driving around for the last four hours trying to figure out my next move.... its encouraging to know that others who are dealing with the same issue have the courage to speak out about this unthinkable disorder! Crap it stinks in here!!!!

Dudes - do no panic! Simply go to the nearest Starbucks restroom, carve out the offending fecal matter with ... (now this is important) ... your "non driving hand" and leave the undies along with the fecal matter by the trashcan. Wash/don't wash - its your choice! Hope this helps!

I am very disillusioned by this thread. I thought when I joined Lilly years ago, that I was joining an elite organization with the utmost integrity and professionalism - and now I have to read about my fellow employees "crapping their pants". Its disheartening. First failed phase three trials, then imminent patent expirations, and now this! Is there no end??? :(

brownblossom fields

"You now know the mysterious ecstasy that I experience on an hourly basis; a certain Au milieu du FIPNet that should spread through all my Lilly colleagues as we implement the terminal phases of FIPNet."J.anti¢hris† £u¢iferleiter

I think I had a manager who used to "crap her pants" before she would ride with me. At least I think that's what it was - or maybe she just didn't wash much downstairs...either way it was all I could do not to vomit!!!

well - a new day, and another opportunity to "CRAP MY PANTS!" I've purposely waited a good long time to do something about it and now its molded to the form of my butt cheeks - maybe I could use it as an ashtray, or paint the molds and sell them as pottery at the flee market. What should I do?

well - a new day, and another opportunity to "CRAP MY PANTS!" I've purposely waited a good long time to do something about it and now its molded to the form of my butt cheeks - maybe I could use it as an ashtray, or paint the molds and sell them as pottery at the flee market. What should I do?

Decoupagé it and use it as a barstool--personalized, like our PERSONALIZED MEDICINE GENOMIC STRATEGY OF WONDER!