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I cannot believe Stu made ABB a CIO


I had to deal with ABB a couple of months ago. What an empty suit ... how did he become CIO? Wasn't he part of LVC's Dell posse --- I am surprised he got bumped up after she left


I had to deal with ABB a couple of months ago. What an empty suit ... how did he become CIO? Wasn't he part of LVC's Dell posse --- I am surprised he got bumped up after she left

Stu needed diversity. Today, that means having an Indian in your leadership team so he fills HR diversity requirements.

Come on guys - leave ABB alone, poor guy. We shouldn't pick on someone with the type of debilitating disease he has.

Its clear he is suffering from the disease of extreme and utter stupidity. I mean being a moron on the scale that he has achieved is only possible through clinically enhanced behavior. It just isn't mathematically possible to reach ABB's level of idiocy. Now what I fear is an epidemic rising because obviously Stu has become infected. That guy is slowly showing signs of the same disease, but in the end he doesn't have what ABB has. No - Stu has the disease of 'big mouth but can't deliver' disease. Lots of ideas, but no idea on how to execute any of them - essentially a warm body sitting in a big chair with nothing in between the ears.

ABB is smarter than all the Dell alums combined. He is
the only one from that bunch who made it to VP with a track record of successes to boot. The others can only accomplish what ABB has accomplished in their dreams. I know because I worked for ABB in the past..

ABB is smarter than all the Dell alums combined. He is
the only one from that bunch who made it to VP with a track record of successes to boot. The others can only accomplish what ABB has accomplished in their dreams. I know because I worked for ABB in the past..

Hey ABB stop posting stuff about yourself you moron - go back to Dell or hang with LC

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