I am unvaccinated


Go get you’re 6th booster haha.
I think you missed the point. No surprise, anyone that brags about getting or not getting the vaccine has nothing else going on.

I’ll go real slow on your behalf. I am tired of sanctimonious c**ts like you who brag about a vaccine status. It’s 2023. Nobody cares. Want a prize for not taking a job where the vaccine is required. Here it is….hero.

I think you missed the point. No surprise, anyone that brags about getting or not getting the vaccine has nothing else going on.

I’ll go real slow on your behalf. I am tired of sanctimonious c**ts like you who brag about a vaccine status. It’s 2023. Nobody cares. Want a prize for not taking a job where the vaccine is required. Here it is….hero.

A submitted a fake card you sick sheep

FDA Commissioner says US life expectancy decrease is due to misinformation?

so SADS that these so called authorities continue to lie to cover up their evil

300,000 excess deaths in US attributed to the mandated insertions, disabilities all time high, don’t worry nothing to see here

I think you missed the point. No surprise, anyone that brags about getting or not getting the vaccine has nothing else going on.

I’ll go real slow on your behalf. I am tired of sanctimonious c**ts like you who brag about a vaccine status. It’s 2023. Nobody cares. Want a prize for not taking a job where the vaccine is required. Here it is….hero.
The pendulum swings back. 2 years of vaccinated groups bragging, circle-jerking, threatening livelihoods, and wishing/hoping for deaths because of wrongthink. Now you're sick of it? Welcome to the other side.

The pendulum swings back. 2 years of vaccinated groups bragging, circle-jerking, threatening livelihoods, and wishing/hoping for deaths because of wrongthink. Now you're sick of it? Welcome to the other side.
Was sick of them. I am sick of you. Again. And I will go slowly. Nobody cares. Didn’t care when people claimed they were proudly vaccinated. Don’t care that people aren’t vaccinated. But if your biggest claim to fame and proudest chest thumping moment is that you didn’t get the shot….you are a loser.

just so you know my politics. If you block my commute home for a BLM protest, I hope you die. If you want to protest outside a courthouse for trump because you have no life and no job, again…loser.

Was sick of them. I am sick of you. Again. And I will go slowly. Nobody cares. Didn’t care when people claimed they were proudly vaccinated. Don’t care that people aren’t vaccinated. But if your biggest claim to fame and proudest chest thumping moment is that you didn’t get the shot….you are a loser.

just so you know my politics. If you block my commute home for a BLM protest, I hope you die. If you want to protest outside a courthouse for trump because you have no life and no job, again…loser.
Nothing like calling people losers and screaming "No one cares" multiple times on a garbage pharma forum board. You specifically went to this post to attention seek and to be a contrarian edge lord. Who is the loser here again?

Was sick of them. I am sick of you. Again. And I will go slowly. Nobody cares. Didn’t care when people claimed they were proudly vaccinated. Don’t care that people aren’t vaccinated. But if your biggest claim to fame and proudest chest thumping moment is that you didn’t get the shot….you are a loser

I think you’re glossing over when the non-vaccinated were being fired AND being restricted from finding new jobs unless they took the jab. This wasn’t just some casual choice or designation. One group decided to make the other an enemy of the state and sought to destroy them financially. That will never be forgotten

I think you’re glossing over when the non-vaccinated were being fired AND being restricted from finding new jobs unless they took the jab. This wasn’t just some casual choice or designation. One group decided to make the other an enemy of the state and sought to destroy them financially. That will never be forgotten

No one who refused getting vaccinated had any business being a Pharma rep. You want to be stubbornly skeptical of evidence-based medicine? Fine, that’s your prerogative. But you can’t tell doctors to believe what the FDA says about the safety and efficacy of your medication while at the same time believing the FDA cannot be trusted when it comes to the safety efficacy of the CV 19 vaccine. There is simply no way to do this credibly. So find something else to do that is not evidence-based. Maybe fortunetelling.