I am Starting a Companion Sitting Business on the Side. If you need me to


Come sit with your Mom, Dad or pet I am available all day. I have a company car and can travel. I expect to make this a national business before long. There are contract reps I have contacted in 11 other states ready to join! We will watch anything you need babysat.


Cool how much per hour do you charge? My Grandmother needs to be fed in the morning and her diaper changed right after. She lives in Montana. I hope you can help. Great idea, keep collecting the temp. pay from the contract and start a gig on the side with the car etc. Brilliant.

$30 per ride, maximum of 40 miles. $1.00 a mile after that. Diaper changing involves a health hazard never had that request. I could find someone willing I am sure. Lets say $25 per hour if it includes one change. I have 3 reps in Montana. We are happy to help you out. They all drive their company cars from their contract and are very flexible and have tons of free time. They all need the extra cash because they are not making much. Send us your info. and we will help you out.

What a great idea. I live in Atlanta and started a contract about 6 months ago. I would really like to work for you. I can be anyones companion. I love animals and old grays.

I would like to know more about this opportunity. I am a CSO in Conn. and have tons of extra time to work this. I have a free car and am available M-F most of the day. Who can I contact for more info? I really need to make some additional money during the day. I get paid so little and really dont have to do much of anything so I have loads of time.

I am a CSO and the owner of this start up Franchise I am located in Georgia. The pay is good and really adds to the low pay we all get on these contracts. I have 11 States with reps currently working and it is going well.

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