I am interviewing for Management in the Northeast


I am interviewing for a managers position in the Northeast, can some of you be so kind and tell me about the reps? budget? regional director's style ? I found it strange I was inverviewed by the Vice President of Operation. What happened to the last director of Sales.


In answer to your question . . . . . . most of the reps are eunuchs lacking the appropriate packages necessary for getting it on. That may make your job a bit easier then, again, maybe not!

NYC went to a guy who was never in sales.

Long Island went to a rep who is perceived as a great rep thanks LC

IDD will be shrinking in reps and increasing territory size by 2014.

Labcorp in 2014 and thats for sure

Heard one of the new VP of sales is the former one from Quest/ Ameripath. Good luck with that one. Michelle Z is a Pickle. She's the real Dill.
She was probably the one trying to get info on the Reps. Clueless.
Did TF, Vett this one?

Heard one of the new VP of sales is the former one from Quest/ Ameripath. Good luck with that one. Michelle Z is a Pickle. She's the real Dill.
She was probably the one trying to get info on the Reps. Clueless.
Did TF, Vett this one?

She's clueless... Hiring people with zero sales experience... There is a reason quest got rid of her.... She Won't be here long from what I understand